Mr. Hunter calls his son in Boston. The old man says,“Son, I hate to bring you the bad news…… but your mother and I, we are getting a divorce.”The son is surprised, “What?? You can’t!”
Mr. Hunter says, “I’m sorry, son! Forty-five years of misery is enough! Now, I am sick of talking about it, call your sister and tell her!” And he hangs up.
The son, nearly in tears, calls his sister in New York, “Sis,” he says, “You’re not going to believe this! Mom and dad are getting a…… a…… divorce!”
“What?!” she shouts on the phone. “Oh, no. They aren’t!You stay put. I’ll call you right back!” And she hangs up.
The sister calls the parents in Los Angels, “You two are not getting a divorce!”
Mr. Hunter says, “Honey, listen……”
The daughter says, “No, you listen! You are not getting a divorce! You know what? You don’t do anything! I’m calling brother back. We’ll be there tomorrow! Don’t do anything.”
And she hangs up.
Mr. Hunter hangs up calmly, looks at Mrs. Hunter, and says, “Well, they are coming for Thanksgiving and are paying their own fares. What shall we tell them on Christmas?”
This pampered young lady had left her family for the first time to join the college and was feeling quite lonely on Thanksgiving. She decided to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for herself. She was narrating her first experience in the kitchen to her mother and mother really wanted to know about the results. When asked how the food was, the lady replied with a shudder that though the ready-made soup and pizza were great, she had quite a trouble with turkey. Trying to get to the root of the problem, the mother asked, "Was it burnt?" The lady replied, "Oh! I couldn't taste it mom. It simply wouldn't sit still!"
一位養尊處優的年輕小姐頭一回離家去上大學,到了感恩節她倍感孤單。她決定為自己做一頓感恩節大餐。她正在向自己的母親描述自己第一次做飯的經歷, 而母親也很想知道結果如何。當被問及做得好不好吃,這位小姐打了一個顫說,儘管速食湯和批薩不錯,但是烹飪火雞時卻遇到了不小的麻煩。她的母親想找到問題 的根源,於是就問她:“是不是烤焦了?”這位小姐回答道:“哦,我沒法品嚐它,媽媽。火雞就是不肯老實地坐著!”
Here is a funny ***and repelling!*** trick to do in front of your friends just before dinner, if you do not want them to eat too much on your cost. Load your plate up high with everything including the salad, a piece of turkey, a bit of soup and some bread crumbles. Toss it all in the blender and offer your new Thanksgiving Weight Loss Shake to everyone. You can be sure to delay the dinnertime by an hour at least with this trick.
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