


  i'm leaving. 我要走了。

  i'm sorry. 對不起。

  i'm used to it. 我已經習慣了。

  i'll miss you. 我會想念你的。

  i'll try it. 我試試看。

  i'm bored. 我很無聊。

  i'm busy. 我很忙。

  i'm having fun. 我玩得很開心。

  i'm ready. 我準備好了。

  i've got it. 我明白了。

  i've had it. 我受夠了。

  it's incredible! 真是難以置信。

  is it far? 很遠嗎?

  it dosen't matter. 沒關係。

  it smells good. 聞起來很香。

  it's about time. 是時候了。

  it's all right. 沒關係。

  it's easy. 很容易。

  it's good. 很好。

  it's near here. 離這裡很近。

  it's nothing. 沒什麼。

  it's time to go. 該走了。

  it's different. 那是不同的。

  it's funny. 很滑稽。

  it's impossible. 那是不可能的。

  it's not bad. 還行。

  that's right. 對了。

  that's ture. 這是真的。

  there are too many people here. 這裡人太多。

  they like each other. 他們互相傾慕。

  think about it. 考慮一下。


  too bad! 太糟糕了!

  it's not difficult. 不難。

  it's not worth it. 不值得。

  it's obvious. 很明顯。

  it's the same thing. 還是一樣的。

  it's your turn. 輪到你了。

  let me know. 告訴我。

  let me see. 讓我想一想。

  me too. 我也一樣。

  not yet. 還沒有。

  see you tomorrow. 明天見。

  she is my best friend. 她是我最好的朋友。

  she is too smart. 她真聰明。

  show me. 給我看。

  tell me. 告訴我。

  thank you very much. 多謝。

  that happens. 這樣的事情經常發生。

  that's enough. 夠了。

  that's interesting. 很有趣。