


  請結賬。 Bill, please.

  = I'd like the check, please.

  在哪兒付錢? Where should I pay?

  我請客。 It's on me.

  It's on me. 我請客。

  Oh! How nice! 哦!那太好了,謝謝!

  = This is my treat.

  = I'll pay for dinner.

  = I'll treat you.

  = I'll pay for drinks. 我付飲料的錢。

  我來付。 I'll take care of it.

  這是什麼的錢? What is this for?

  = What is this charge for?

  = What is this amount for?

  我覺得這兒算錯了。 I'm afraid there is a mistake here.

  I'm afraid... “我覺得是不是……”,一般用於不太好的事情。mistake 表示“錯誤”。

  我們各付各的吧。 Let's go Dutch.

  Dutch 表示“荷蘭人”,而go Dutch則表示“自己的費用自己付”、“分攤”。

  = Let's split the bill.

  = Let's divide the cost.

  我們分開付款。 We'd like to pay separately.

  We'd like to pay separately. 我們分開付款。

  All right. 明白了。

  不用找錢了。 Keep the change.

  請開張發票。May I have a receipt, please?

  叫警察! Call the police!

  Call the police! 叫警察。

  Sure thing! 好的。

  = Please call for help! 快叫人幫助。

  我的包被偷了。 I had my bag stolen.

  = My bag was stolen.

  = Somebody stole my bag.

  我該告訴誰? Who should I report it to?

  失物招領處在哪兒? Where is the Lost and Found?

  什麼樣的包? What kind of bag?

  = What kind of bag was it?

  裡面都有什麼? What was in it?

  裡面有多少錢? How much was in it?

  我們找到後會跟你聯絡的。 We'll call you if we find it.

  = We'll contact you when we find it.

  您能填一下兒這張表嗎? Could you fill out this form? fill out表示在空白處填寫。form為“表格。”

  = Please fill out this form.

  請您寫一下被盜經過。 Please give me a report on the theft.

  theft “竊案,偷盜”。

  = Please fill out a report on the theft.

  日本大使館在哪兒? Where is the Japanese Embassy?

  我的護照丟了。 I lost my passport.

  = My passport is missing.

  = I can't find my passport. 我找不到我的護照了。

  = I've misplaced my passport. 我忘了把護照放到哪兒了。

  這兒有會說日語的人嗎? Does anyone here speak Japanese?

  能補發一本嗎? Can I get it reissued?

  請取消我的卡號。 Please cancel my card number.

  我該怎麼辦? What should I do?

  What should I do? 我該怎麼辦?

  You should ask the man over there. 你該去問問那邊那個人。

  = What do I need to do?