What should I do if I feel depressed seeing my Facebook friends having everything in life?
Facebook is like wearing a mask. People don't share who they really are, but how they want the world to see them. They want to cultivate the perception that they are always happy, successful and socially skilled. But in reality, everyone struggles in life.
Don't compare yourself to cardboard cutouts that people leave behind on Facebook. They are not real. Compare yourself to the person you want to be, and then ask yourself what steps you can take to become that person.
Remember - People who have an awesome life don't need to show it to anyone over any social network.In fact they are enjoying their own life so much that they don't really care to show to any one else.
I have been at your place.
I failed to get into a medical college and I missed the opportunity to study in Delhi University. I was shattered back then, seeing all my ex classmates on Facebook having a good time, celebrating college life, enjoying college fests and trips and posting pictures with their new friends. Everyone had moved on with their life but I was stuck in a stupid college and an extremely boring life.
I was jealous, I was depressed, I felt unworthy - it was all pathetic.
But then I decided to be happy in all circumstances. I brought down my friend list on Facebook from 636 to 80 friends. These were the people who were just my classmates, not my friends and I am not ashamed to admit that I was extremely depressed seeing them succeed. I brought down my friend list to people who actually care about me. And now, I don't use Facebook.
I use Quora and I am honoured to have 5.3k followers here. I come across great ideas and amazing life experiences everyday through this site. I write as much as I can. During this whole time, I have been living with my parents happily. I lost weight and got fit. Life has been slow right now, but I am enjoying every bit of it.
Facebook is not real life. You don't have to feel bad for yourself. I say stop using Facebook. Cherish this time with your near and dear ones. No amount of money and no amount of success can take this away from you.
"Give people your love. Don't give them your like."
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