樣板戲 model opera
地雷戰 The Mine Warfare
霸王別姬 Farewell to My Concubine
群英會 Gathering of Heroes
借東風 East Wind
將相和 General and Premier Make Up
鳳陽花鼓 Flower Drum Dance
醒世恆言 Lasting Words to Awaken the World
梁祝小提琴協奏曲Butterfly Love
紅樓夢 A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber
桃花扇 The Peach Blossom Fan
儒林外史 The Scholars
京劇 Peking Opera
炎黃子孫 Chinese descent
五行 five elements
觀音菩薩 Avalokitesvara
菩薩 Boddhisattva
清真寺 mosque
道士 Taoist
和尚 monk
尼姑 nun
羅漢 arhat
財神爺 the God of Wealth
閻王爺 King of Hell
爐火神 the Fire God
佛經 Buddhist scriptures
七十二般變化 seventy-two different forms
弼馬溫 the Protector of the Horses
八卦爐 Eight Trigrams Furnace
金 metal
木 wood
水 water
火 fire
土 earth
灶王爺 the Kitchen God
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