




  Our country's modernization must start from the reality of China.Either on the revolution or the construction we need to learn and draw the experience from the foreign countries.But we will never win the success if we mechanically copy other countries'experience or formats.We have already had the lesson in this aspect.It is the basic conclusion which we summarized the long-term historical experience that we should combine the Marxism's univertsal truth with our specific situation together,walking on our own roads and building up the socialism with Chinese characteristic.




  There are two legends which claim to explain the tradition of eating mooncakes.One Tang Dynasty myth holds that the Earth once had 10 suns circling it.One day all 10 suns appeared at once, scorching the planet with their heat.It was thanks to a skillful archer named Hou Yi that the Earth was saved. He shot down all but one of the suns.As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave Hou Yi the Elixir of Immortality, but she warned him that he must use it wisely.Hou Yi ignored her advice and, corrupted by fame and fortune, became a tyrannical leader.Chang-Er, his beautiful wife, could no longer stand by and watch him abuse his power so she stole his Elixir and fled to the moon to escape his angry wrath.And thus began the legend of the beautiful woman in the moon, the Moon Fairy.




  I'm learning to do that a lot in this life, to let go. It doesn't help to hang on to the hurt or judgment. It doesn't work to blame or criticize. Those approaches only serve to keep you stuck.But compassion is freeing. It uplifts both you and the person you are sharing it with. When you act with compassion, you are living from your highest potential and connecting with your greatest self. The more you can do that, the better you'll feel in this life.