1. Birds of a feather flock together.物以類聚,人以群分。
2. A man is known by his friends.什麼人交什麼朋友。
3. Keep good men company and you shall beof the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真情。
5. A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友難,失朋友易。
6. A faithful friend is hard to find.知音難覓。
7. A friend is never known till a man hasneed.需要之時方知友。
8. Misfortune tests the sincerity offriends.患難見真情。
1. Love and business teach eloquence. 愛情和買賣可以培養口才。
2. Love and cough cannot be hid. 愛情和咳嗽是不能掩飾的。
3. Love and poverty are hard to hide. 愛和窮難隱瞞。
4. Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. 愛情要求忠誠,而忠誠要求堅貞。
5. Love begets love. 愛愛相生。
6. Love cannot be forced 愛情不強求。
7. Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 愛情可使茅屋成為金碧輝煌的宮殿。
8. Love comes by looking. 情人眼裡出西施。
9. Love does much, money does everything ***ormore***. 愛情做許多事,金錢做任何事。
10. Love fears no danger. 愛情不怕危險。
11. Love grows with obstacles. 磨折越多,愛情越深。
12. Love is a sweet torment. 愛情是一種甜蜜的折磨。
13. Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly. 愛情是甜蜜的虐政,情人心甘情願地受它的折磨。
14. Love is blind. 愛情是盲目的。愛情使人對缺點視而不見。情人眼裡出西施。
15. Love is full of trouble. 愛情多煩惱。
16. Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases. 愛情像月亮,不營即虧。
17. Love is neither bought nor sold. 愛情不能買賣。
18. Love is never without jealousy. 愛情莫不忌妒。
19. Love is not to be found in the market. 愛情在市場上是找不到的。
20. Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending. 愛情始甜而終苦。
1. Live and learn. 活到老,學到老。
2. Live and let live. 自己生活,也要讓他人生活。
3. Live to learn and learn to live. 生而學之,學而生之。
4. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活沒有目標,猶如航海沒有羅盤。
5. Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen. 馬未偷走前,廄門先鎖上。
6. Loftiest trees most dread the thunder. 樹大招風。
7. Long absent, soon forgotten. 長久不在的人,很快被忘懷。
8. Long tarrying takes all the thanks away. 事情耽擱太久就沒有人會感謝了。
9. Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses. 對萬事要樂觀。
10. Look before you leap; see before you go. 三思而行。
11. Lookers-on see more than players. 旁觀者清。
12. Lookers-on see most of the games. 旁觀者清。
13. Look for a needle in a bundle ***or bottle*** of hay. 海底撈月。
14. Look not for musk in dog''s kennel. 狗嘴裡吐不出象牙。
15. Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 不要浪費時間,做些有益的事情,停止一切不必要的行動。
16. Losers are always in the wrong. 失敗者總是錯的。
17. Losses make us more cautious 損失使人更謹慎。
18. Lost time is never found again, and what we call time enough always proves little enough. 時間一去不再來,我們常說時間充足,實際。總是不夠。
19. Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. 失去的財富可由勤奮而恢復,失去的知識可由學習而恢復,失去的健康可由節制或藥物而恢復,但失去的時間卻一去永不復返。
20. Love all, trust a few, be false to none. 要愛一切人,相信少數人,不要負於任何人。
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