關於八年級英語短文:如何提高記憶力? How to Improve Memory?
Memory is important for everyone in all ages. How to improve it? It is a complex question. I have several suggestions. Firstly, have enough rest. Enough sleep can make sure brain works normally, because when people sleep, their brain and other organs also can rest. Enough rest can provide enough energy. Secondly, keep always thinking. Do not get used to the current situation. Keeping thinking when meets things can exercise brain. Thirdly, eat some healthy food that is good for memory, such as, radish, cabbage and spinach. I think these are helpful to improve memory.
關於八年級英語短文:競選班長 A Monitor Election
Today, our class held the monitor election. `And I became the new monitor in my class. I was very happy, but I was still very nervous now. When the election began, I was so nervous that I can hear my heart beating heavily. I tried my best to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech. I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech. Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform. Thanks for preparing in advance; otherwise, I must be embarrassed. But the result was what I want. It’s a happy thing.
關於八年級英語短文:微笑面對生活To Smile With Life
All our life, we will meet all kinds of difficulties, we have to face them and fix them, that is what our parents tell us. Indeed, life is a journey, we will meet different people and confront with distress, most people feel uneasy when fail comes, they think there is no hope in life. Well, we are always told that life is still going on even though we face difficulty. Why don’t we smile with life, since we there is no way to avoid frustration, the only way we can do is to embrace what life brings for us, no matter what happens, just smile, everything will be alright.
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