The Man of Chu Cooks Monkey Meat
In the State of Chu a man cooked some monkey meat and invited his neighbour to eat it with him. He told his neighbour:
"This is dog meat."
The neighbour ate and drank his fill and said the taste was excellent.
After the meal, when the neighbour heard that what he had eaten was monkey meat instead of dog meat, he felt nauseated. He squatted on his heels and burst out vomitting till he threw up everything he had eaten.
Afterwards, people all said:
"That neighbour is truly a man who cannot savour the taste of food."
Ye Gong Is Fond of Dragons
Ye Gong was well-known for his fondness for dragons:
In the house where he lived, dragons were painted on the walls and carved on the pillars and the four walls of his bedroom. There were dragons everywhere, up and down, front and back, with each dragon baring its teeth and brandishing its claws.
In the heavens there was a real dragon. It was very happy to hear that Ye Gong was so fond of dragons.
One day, the sky suddenly darkened, and then came wind, thunder and rain. The real dragon flew to Ye Gong's home. It poked its head into the window in the south and coiled its tail to the window in the north, rocking and rattling the whole house.
At the sight of this real dragon, Ye Gong was frightened out of his wits. He trembled all over and hurriedly hid himself.
So it turned out that what Ye Gong liked was painted and carved fake dragons but not real ones.
The Mantis Tries to Stop the Chariot
One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out in a chariot to hunt.
On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver:
"What kind of insect is it?"
"It is a mantis," the driver replied promptly. "This kind of insect only knows how to advance but not retreat, blindly underrating its enemies and overrating its own abilities."
Hearing the driver's reply, Zhuang Gong smiled to himself and remained silent.
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