


  1. comment v. 評論

  2. marry v. 結婚

  3. create v. 創造

  4. attack v. 進攻

  5. cruelty n. 殘酷

  6. escape v. 逃跑

  7. advice n. 忠告;建議

  8. afford v. 花得起***錢、時間***

  9. encourage v. 鼓勵

  10. research n. 研究

  11. interrupt v. 打斷;打擾

  12. apologize v. 道歉

  13. pray v. 請求;祈禱

  14. forgive v. 原諒;寬恕

  15. match v. 相配;相適應

  16. manners n. 禮貌

  17. impression n. 印象

  18. live adj. & adv. 活的;直播的***地***

  19. custom n. 習慣;風俗

  20. introduce vt. 介紹;引進


  1. take off 脫掉;起飛;成功

  2. go wrong 出錯;出問題

  3. can't help doing 情不自禁做某事

  4. take one's place 代替某人

  5. run after 追逐;追蹤

  6. win a prize 獲獎

  7. think highly of 讚揚……;對……高度評價

  8. call for 需要;索取

  9. in all 總共

  10. play a role 扮演角色***作用***

  11. make money 掙錢

  12. win over 爭取過來

  13. work on 從事,致力於

  14. owe success to 把成功歸功於某人

  15. start with 以……開始

  16. run away from school逃學

  17. on the air 正在播出的

  18. do research 進行調查

  19. speed up 加速

  20. follow the fashion 追隨時尚


  1. afford

  ***1*** ***和can,could,be able to連用*** 有 ***時間、經濟等*** 條件***做某事*** + to do

  We can't afford to pay such a price.

  afford + n. / pron. ***出得起;買得起等***

  They donot consider whether they can afford it or not.

  ***2*** 經得起 ***做某事或發生某事*** ***多+to do***

  He could not afford to lose his fortune entirely.

  2. apologize的用法

  ▲ 構詞:apology n. 辯解,道歉

  ▲ 搭配:

  ① apologize to sb for ***doing*** sth = make an apology的 sb for ***doing*** sth向某人為某事***為做了某事***道歉

  ② apologize for oneself 為自己辯解或辯護

  【考例】[NMET 1993]The captain ____ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.

  A. made B. said C. put D. passed

  [考查目標] apologize及其名詞的用法和搭配。

  [答案與解析]A make an apology的意思是“道歉”。

  3. choice的用法


  ① make a choice 選擇

  ② make choice of 挑選,選擇,選定

  ③ make / take one's choice 任意挑選

  ④ have no choice but to do sth 非……不可,除……之外別無他法

  【考例】[MET 1993] We've missed the last bus, I'm afraid we have no ____ but to take a taxi.

  A. way B. choice C. possibility D. selection

  [考查目標] choice的意思和習慣搭配。

  [答案與解析]B choice是choose的名詞形式.意思是

  “選擇”,在本句中構成固定搭配have no choice but to

  do sth“不得不幹……”。

  4. determine的用法

  ▲ 構詞:determination n. 決心,決斷,決意;決定,確定

  ▲ 搭配:

  ① determine to do sth 決定做某事

  ② determine on / upon ***doing*** sth 決定

  ③ a man of determination 有決斷力的人

  ▲ 辨析:decide;determine這兩個詞都有“決定”的意思。decide的含義是“不再遲疑不定”,而


  在be determined to do…這個固定的結構中。過去分詞determined的詞義為“下定了決心”。

  decide的名詞為decision,determine的名詞為determination。例如:At first,she decided to go to the police,…起初,她決定去找警察……

  ▲ 友情提示: decide後跟賓語從句時,其含義有時是“斷

  定”。I decided that I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere. 我斷定我一定是在某處拐錯彎了。The determination of the meaning of a word is often difficult without a context. 脫離上下文來確定一個詞的含義常常是困難的。

  注:在determine to do...,determine on ***upon***... 和determine that...。***賓語從句***三個搭配中,determine的詞義和decide幾乎沒有多大差異。He determined / decided to learn medicine. 他決定學醫。

  注:decide sb to do sth 決定使某人做某事What decided you to give up your job? 什麼因素使你決定放棄你的工作?

  【考例】[2001京皖春招] Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must ____ the parts that are wrong.

  A. check B. determine C. correct D. recover


  [答案與解析]B determine和decide在一般情況下意思相同。

  5. encourage的用法

  ▲ 構詞:

  ① encouraging adj. 鼓勵的,給予希望的,振奮人心的。令人歡欣鼓舞的

  ② encouraged adj. 被激勵的,受到鼓舞的

  ③ encouragement n. 鼓勵,激勵

  ④ discourage v. 使洩氣;勸阻

  ▲ 搭配:① encourage sb to do sth 鼓勵某人做某事 ② be encouraged by 受……鼓勵/鼓舞

  【考例】 [2004北京]My advisor encouraged ___a summer course to improve my writing skills.

  A. for me taking B. me taking

  C. for me to take D. me to take

  [考查目標] encourage的用法。

  [答案與解析]D encourage sb to do sth鼓勵某人幹某事。句意為:我的導師鼓勵我參加一個夏季課程來提高我的寫作技巧。

  6. escape ***vi, vt *** escaped, escaping

  ***1*** 逃走;跑掉 + from / out of = run away from

  The soldier escaped from the enemy's prison.

  ***2***逃脫;逃避 + n. / doing

  He narrowly escaped death / being killed.

  There's no way to escape doing the work.


  ①***液體等***漏出 gas escaping from the pipe 煤氣從管中漏出Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe. 水從排水管中迅速流出。

  ② 避免escaped death 免於一死There is no escaping him. 怎麼也避不開他。

  ③ 疏忽,忽略 Nothing escaped his attention. 什麼也逃不過他的注意。 You cannot expect that something may escape the teacher's attention. 你不要奢望有什麼能逃過老師的注意。

  escape n

  ① 逃走The thief made his escape. 小偷逃走了。

  ②***氣體***漏出,洩出;解悶She reads love stories as an escape. 她讀愛情小說解悶。

  7. hunt的用法

  ▲ 構詞:hunter n. 獵人,搜尋者

  ▲ 搭配:

  ① hunt for / after追獵;尋找,搜尋

  ② hunt out 找出;調查出

  【考例】He wandered in the street, ____ a new jacket for his nephew.

  A. hunting for B. waiting for

  C. shooting for D. aiming for

  [考查目標]本題考查hunt for的意思。

  [答案與解析]A hunt for原來是“獵取”的意思,引中為“搜尋,尋找”。

  8. impression n. 印象

  ***1*** impression ***on sb.*** ***給某人***印象His speech made a strong impression on his audience.

  ***2*** impression ***of sth.*** ***對某事物***印象;想法That's my first impression of the new college.

  ***3*** impress sb. with sth. 給予某人深刻印象 = impress sth. on sb. 使某人銘記 The teacher impressed on his students the importance of speaking. = The teacher impre- ssed his students with the importance of speaking.

  9. interrupt的用法vt, vi

  ① 阻斷;中斷 Don't interrupt me. 別打斷我。Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 市內交通被暴風雪所阻斷。

  ② 打岔;插嘴 It is rude to interrupt. 打斷別人的話,是不禮貌的。 “Don't interrupt,” he said.“別插話, ”他說。


  ① interrupter n. 打岔者,打斷者

  ② interruption n. 打岔.打斷,使中斷的事物

  【考例】[2005山西模擬] Be quiet! It's rude to ____ people when they are talking.

  A. stop B. introduce C. prevent D. interrupt

  [考查目標] interrupt的詞義。

  [答案與解析]D interrupt的意思是“打斷;使中斷”.


  10. marry

  ***1*** vi. 結婚 He didn't marry until he was fifty.

  ***2*** vt. 和……結婚 Jean is going to marry Hubert.

  ***3*** vt. ***父母***嫁***女兒*** He married his daughter to a businessman.

  ***4*** vt. ***教士等*** 為……主持結婚儀式 We've come to ask if you will marry them.


  ***1*** get married ***to sb.*** 強調動作

  His oldest girl got married last month.

  ***2*** be married ***to sb.*** 強調狀態

  How long have you been married?

  11. moment的用法 n.

  ① 片刻;瞬間 He will be here in a moment. 他一會兒就來。At the moment I am working. 此刻我正在工作。

  ② 時機;機遇;時宜 Choose your moment to visit him. 你選個合適的時機去拜訪他。

  ③ 重要性 a matter of great moment



  ① at any moment 隨時;在任何時候;馬上

  ② at the last moment 在最後關頭

  ③ at the moment 此刻;***正當***那時

  ④ every moment 時時刻刻

  ⑤ for a moment 片刻

  ⑥ in a moment 一會兒,不久;立即,馬上

  ⑦ the moment***that***... 一……就……

  【考例】[NMET 2004 II] "Can I? I don't think I can," Racy said with a laugh. "But I do have ____ when things come to me for no reason."

  A. events B. chances C. feelings D. moments

  [考查目標] moment的詞義。

  [答案與解析] D moment可以指“時刻”,在本句中用了複數,意思是“一些次”。

  12. owe的用法owed, owing

  ▲ 搭配:

  ①***常與for連用***欠,欠債I owe you for your help.我感謝你的幫助。***也可以是owe sth.或owe sb. sth*** The food cost £4 , but I only paid £3 so I still owe £1. 食品要4英鎊,可我只付了3英鎊,因此我還欠1英鎊。I owe you an apology. 我該向你道歉。

  ☆ owe sb sth for sth 或 owe sth to sb for sth 為…欠某人…

  ② 對…負有義務;感恩;感激We owe our parents a lot. 我們十分感激父母。

  ③***常與to連用***歸功於;由於She owes her success to good luck. 她把成功歸功於幸運。The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement. 年輕作家把自己的成功歸於他老師的鼓勵。

  【考例】[2004湖北] "How much do I ____ you?" "Oh, no," Paul said.

  A. Owe B. lend C. give D. offer


  [答案與解析]A owe表示“欠”的時候是及物動詞,可以接雙賓語。

  13. reason n. 原因;理由

  ***1*** + to do sth. You haven't any reason to leave me.

  ***2*** + for sth. / doing People must have a reason for saying such things.

  ***3*** + 從句;從句用why / for which引導 That is the reason why you should leave.

  ***4*** for + reason,為了某種原因He is retiring for reasons of health.

  [比較] cause“原因;起因”

  the cause of the fire 火災的起因***引起某種後果的起因***

  the reason for being late 遲到的理由***做某件事的理由***

  14. role

  ***1*** ***戲劇中的*** 角色Oliver played ***acted*** the role / part of Hamlet.

  ***2*** ***現實生活中的*** 身份;作用

  What is your role on the Committee?

  ***3*** play a...role in... = play a...part in在……中扮演……角色或作用The headmaster plays an important role / part in the good running of a school.

  15. serve v.

  ***1*** 為……服務/工作 A slave serves his master.

  ***2*** 接待***顧客*** The shop assistant is serving a customer.

  ***3*** 侍候吃飯,端***菜***;供應***飯菜*** Lunch is served now.

  ***4*** serve as 充任***某職務***作……用 She served as a model for several painters. / This box will serve as / for a seat.

  16. speed的用法


  ① at a high speed 以很大的速度

  ② at full / top speed 用全速,開足馬力,盡力***快***地;

  ③ with great / an speed 用全速,開足馬力

  ④ speed up 加速,快點

  【考例】We had tried our best but the boss still shouted, " ____!"

  A. Speed up B. No hurry

  C. Wait a minute D. Slow down


  [答案與解析]A speed up意思是“加速,快點”的意思。

  17. stare的用法 vi, vt -- stared, staring 凝視,注視

  He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant. 他盯著這個單詞,努力想記起它的意思。

  [習慣用語] stare one in the face 近在眼前;擺在眼前


  gaze表示“目不轉睛地看”,並含有“驚歎”、“羨慕”或“入迷”的意思。例如:She gazed at the carpet for some time, and then added, "You don't need bookcases at all." 她對地毯凝視了一會兒,然後補充說:“你根本不需要書櫃。”

  stare 特別表示“睜大眼睛凝視”,並含有“驚奇”、“傲慢” 或“茫然”的意思。例如:The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. 那位貴族對那張空白紙凝視了幾秒鐘。

  glare 表示“凶狠而且帶有威脅性的瞪眼睛”的意思。例如:The trapped eagle glared at his captors. 被誘捕到的雄鷹凶狠地瞪著捕獲它的人。

  【考例】[NMET 1999] ____ him and then try to copy what he does.

  A. Mind B. Glance at C. Stare at D. Watch

  [考查目標] stare 等近義詞辨別。

  [答案與解析]D watch意思是“觀察”,是長時問關注;而stare at卻是“盯著”。含有驚奇、傲慢的感情色彩。

  18. trouble

  ***1*** 麻煩;煩惱;煩心的事 ***可數,不可數*** It is a pity to give you so much trouble. / Life is full of troubles.

  ***2*** 困難;費事 ***不可數*** have trouble with sth. / have trouble ***in*** doing sth. ***= difficulty*** Did you have much trouble in finding the post office? / I hope you won't have any trouble with the work.


  ***1*** ask for trouble 自尋煩惱;自找麻煩 What made you write such a letter? It was asking for trouble.

  ***2*** ***be*** in trouble 有煩事;有困難;出事;惹麻煩 He never came except when he was in trouble.

  ***3*** put sb. to trouble 給某人造成麻煩;增添麻煩 I am sorry for putting you to so much trouble.

  ***4*** take trouble to do sth. 費心做某事;費心 It was good of you to take the trouble to help us.