


  ***1*** 動詞的時態:

  ① 一般現在時

  一般現在時的主要用法有兩點:其一表示一經常發生的動作,如: I always go to scho

  ol at seven. 其二表示某一真理,事實,如: The earth moves around the sun.

  ② 現在完成時


  。如: I have studied English for two years. 其二表示某動作發生於過去並已結束,但其影響到現在。如: I haven’t had my lunch. I’m hungry now.

  與現在完成時連用的詞語有:yet, already, before, since, ever, never等。


  其一: Have been表示曾經去過,如:I have been to America twice. 說此話的人應

  已經回到國內。而He has gone to Japan.則此人目前已到日本去了。

  其二:截止性動詞可以有現在完成時,但不可與表示一段長度的詞連用,如: The clas

  s has begun. The class has been on for five minutes.

  ③ 一般過去時

  表示過去發生的動作,過去的習慣或反覆發生的動作。如: Who broke the window? In those days, I studied hard at night every day. 與過去時連用的時間狀語有: at that time, ago, in 1949, just now ***剛才***, last night, yesterday

  ④ 一般將來時

  純將來時的表示法: shall/will+動詞原形

  例: I’ll leave for Shanghai this evening.

  表示按計劃要做或可能做的事: be going to+動詞原形

  例: I’m going to help you tonight.


  a. be+coming/leaving/going/starting/arriving

  例: Don’t worry. I’m coming.

  b. be about to+動詞原形

  例: He is about to leave, when the telephone rings.

  c. 狀語從句中用一般現在時表示將來

  例: If it rains tomorrow I won’t go to the party.

  ***2*** 情態動詞:

  can: 能,會

  例: He can do it very well.

  may: 許可,可能性

  例: May I use your pen?

  must: 必要,禁止***多表示主觀看法***

  例: You mustn’t play with fire.

  have to: 不得不***多表示客觀之事***

  例: I have to go, because I have a meeting.


  例: Could you help me?


  ***1*** 賓語從句:


  例: Could you tell me where the post office is?

  Could you tell me what he said? ***what作said的賓語***


  例: They said that they would give me some help. ***that 僅作引導詞***


  例: He asked when we would leave home.

  ***2*** 狀語從句:


  例:I will come when I am free.

  I’m late because my bike is broken.

  He went so early that he got a good seat.

  She studied hard so that she would pass the exam.


  例: If it rains tomorrow I shall not go to the cinema.


  例: When I’m reading a book, the telephone rings.

  ***3*** 反意疑問句

  例: She can swim across the river, can’t she?

  It’s a fine day, isn’t it?

  Marry needs to have a rest, doesn’t she?

  You have nothing to do, do you?

  He seldom does homework, does he?

  Don’t open the door, will you?

  Open the door please, will you?

  Let us have a rest, will you?

  Let’s go, shall we?

  ***4*** 感嘆句:

  例. What a hot day it is!

  How hot the weather is!


  ***1*** 不定式在句中作賓語,狀語:

  例: It has begun to rain.

  I want to go to the cinema.

  ***2*** 不定式與疑問詞連用:

  例: I want to know how to work.

  I want to know what to do.

  ***3*** 不定式的否定句:

  例: He told me not to do it.

  ④ 省略to的不定式:

  例: I saw him come this morning.

  這樣的動詞有see, hear, watch等感官動詞,及have***作讓、使講*** make, let.


  1*** I come from Shanghai***上海人***

  I have come from Shanghai***從上海來***

  2*** You read very well. ***強調能力***

  You've read very well. ***強調一次剛完成的動作***

  3*** I forget.***一時想不起來了***

  I have forgotten.***仍沒想起來,可能已回憶起來了***

  4*** The book is written in simple English. ***表狀態***

  The book has been written in simple English.***表動態,已用英語寫成***

  5*** Every time I see him, he's been reading. ***兩個動作不可能同時進行***Every time I have seen him, he's been reading. ***強調兩個動作同時進行***

  6*** He is gone. ***強調狀態***He has gone ***強調動作和時間***

  7*** He won't come till the play begins. ***演出開始時***

  He won't come till the play has begun.***戲已開始***

  8*** After I leave school, I'll go to college. ***兩個動作緊密相接***

  After I have left school, I'll go to college.***強調畢業後,兩個動作可能有間隔***

  9*** It is a long time since I saw you last. It's been a long time since I saw you last.***這兩句話一樣,後一句是美國英語***

  10*** Where are you? ***在哪***Where have you been?***去了哪***


  1*** He works hard.***強調始終如一***He is working hard.***強調現在***

  2*** What do you do? ***幹什麼工作的***What are you doing?***在幹什麼***

  3*** Here comes the bus! ***表高興和欣慰***

  The bus is coming.***汽車到來的情景***

  4*** I forget him name. I'm forgetting his name.***差點把他的名字忘了***

  5*** You don't eat much. ***強調胃口不大***

  You're not eating much.***你怎麼不吃呀***

  6*** The match starts at 7 o'clock. ***比較固定,不宜改變***

  The match is starting at 7 o'clock.***可以改變***

  7*** Tom always comes late. Tom is always coming late.***表示不滿,責備***

  8***Tom goes to college now.

  Tom is going to college now.***這兩句區別不大,後者更生動***

  9*** I tell you.***我可以告訴你***

  I'm telling you.***我告訴你吧,有感情色彩***

  10*** He always sleeps in the afternoon.

  He is always sleeping in the afternoon.***後者意味著整個下午都睡掉了***

  11*** I expect you to phone me. *** 幾乎等於命令***

  I'm expecting you to phone me.***婉轉***

  12*** What do you say? What are you saying?***你說些什麼呀,表說話人驚訝,不滿***

  12*** I find that the book is too difficult for me.***強調結果***

  I'm finding that the book is too difficult for me. ***強調過程,逐漸感到***

  13*** Apples cost more these days.***強調事實***

  Apples are costing more these days.***越來越貴***

  14*** He always thinks of others.

  He's always thinking of others.***表示讚揚***

  15*** Whenever I see him, he argues with somebody.***強調兩個動作有先後***

  Whenever I see him, he is arguing with somebody.***強調兩個動作同時進行***

  16*** I hope you'll give us some advice.

  I'm hoping you'll give us some advice.***表示語氣婉轉***

  17*** I must go. ***我應該去***I must be going.***我該走了***

  18*** We can discuss this while we eat.***說話是沒用餐***

  We can discuss this while we are eating.***進餐已開始***