


  It is yellow.It has got long ears.It has got a short tail.What is it?

  it so big, has two big ear,long nose,and so heavy.


  漱哥***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: sugar糖

  Why should we never ask balloons for advice?***為什麼我們絕不向汽球徵求意見?***—— 謎底: They are full of hot air.因為它們裡面全是熱空氣。

  愛得嗑它***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: addict

  What comes after the letter "A"? —— 謎底: All the other letters.

  不理事***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: bliss好福氣,極樂;天賜的福;幸福無比;狂喜。

  What did one invisible man say to the other invisible man?—— 謎底: It's nice not to see you again.

  抬若爆***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: terrible

  蚊都死***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: windows

  飛離***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: flee逃跑

  逮狸射死***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: delicious

  四圍潑一潑***打一英語單詞*** —— 謎底: sweep

  凌遲***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: lynch私刑處死

  迪斯科***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: disco

  What always travels on foot? —— 謎底: A shoe.

  What is higher without a head than with a head? —— 謎底: A pillow***枕頭***

  四十幾個女人裸奔***打一英語單詞*** —— 謎底: Basketball


  冷***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: learn

  貓咪去世 ***打一英字*** —— 謎底: mouth

  What do most gardeners not like to grow? —— 謎底: They don't like to grow their age.

  聖母超凡魅力***打一英文單詞***—— 謎底: charisma超凡魅力;魅力;<宗>神授的力量或才能;超凡的個人魅力;感召力。

  Why do some old people never use glasses? —— 謎底: They must prefer bottles to glasses.

  C型的鎖 ***打一英文*** —— 謎底: clock.

  額的媽呀***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: admire羨慕

  蔻馳***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: 教練;指導;受訓練。


  女人小便失禁***打一英文單字*** —— 謎底: Below

  摸***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: more***多,更多***

  What two things can't you have for breakfast? —— 謎底: Lunch and supper.

  What always goes up and never goes down?***什麼東西只升不降?***—— 謎底: Your age. ***你的年齡***

  Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America? —— 謎底: On his feet.

  Do audience ever steal anything?***聽眾會偷東西嗎?***—— 謎底: Yes,when they take the floor.當他們發言時就會這樣做。

  撫腦***打一英文單詞*** —— 謎底: flower 花,花朵

  What is the best thing to keep in hot weather? —— 謎底: Cool!