Phone: 158********
e-mali: ***@jianli-sky
Career Objective
To work in Beijing as a market researcher engaged in market and economic research, marketing management consultatoin, and market development.
Professional Exeperience
2011-present Business Center of International Trade Building in Shenzhen, Senior Market Researcher
Responsible for collection and analysis of business information of interest to foreign business offices stationed in the Building.
Consult on new products, evaluate productoin and supply statistics, translate economic news, suggest market opportunities.
Organize visits and investigations in Shenzhen for foreign businessmen and make recommendations of products to them.
Offer countermeasures concerning how to be adaptable to the international market after China's entry into WTO.
Educational Background
2008-2011 M.B.A.***工商管理碩士*** Wuhan University.
2004-2008 B.B.A.***工商管理學士學位*** Majored in Economics, Xiaomen University.
- 市場研究員的英文簡歷
- 地下連續牆施工中的若干難點及對策
- 臺式電腦關機後自動重啟咋回事
- 電腦經常出現藍屏現象該怎麼處理
- 五年級環境手抄報
- 中考生如何制定2016新學期學習計劃
- 膝上型電腦經常出現假死情況該怎麼處理
- 司考環境下之法學實踐教學研究論文
- 大學生愛國主義演講稿
- 永遠跟黨走大學生演講稿
- 優秀小學生演講稿範文5篇
- 跟好朋友說好久不見的溫馨話語
- 二年級環境手抄報
- 關閉電腦自帶的防火牆的方法
- 餐飲店開店計劃書策劃書範本
- 護理實習生管理制度彙編
- 五行屬土給女孩取的名字
- 西洋參的功效及禁忌
- 夏季排毒功效最強的食物
- 電腦開機後一直長鳴不停怎麼辦
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字