1.make Daming`s birthday card做大明的生日卡片
2.birthday card生日卡片
3.at the supermarket 在超市
4.buy things買東西
5.have a birthday party舉行生日聚會
6.Who can help me?誰能幫我?
7.carry everything搬東西
8.be careful小心
9.oh dear!哦天啊!
10.fiy away飛走/飄走了
There is an old legend, a wealthy merchant sent his servant to Baghdad market. The crowd pushed a servant, he looked back and turned out to be an old woman wearing a black robe. He knows it is death". The servant hurried back, side shaking, for the owner he just hit, and "death" is how strange he looked with eyes, and expose the threat of expression.
The servant begged master to lend him a horse, so he rode to the Sahara, lest the "death" to find him. The owner agreed, and he immediately launched to gallop.
Businessman late to the market, see the "death" stood nearby. The merchant said, "why did you make a threatening look to my servant?"
"That's not a threat," said the "death", "I'm just surprised to see him in Baghdad, and we're all about to meet in the Sahara tonight."
Some things we fear, do not want it to happen, it is more likely to occur, in fact, the courage to face, may be more hope.
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