The Women’s Day is coming soon, when I search the Internet, there are a lot of products which are in sale, most are in low discount. What a great temptation for me, even though I don’t need these products, thinking about buying them in such low price, I feel the money deserves to be spent. When festivals come, the manufacturers will show the low discount and try to seduce people to buy their products, women are their main targets, because women have the inner desire to make purchase.So am I .The fact is that after buying these products, people will soon find them are of no use, they don’t know how to deal with these products. It is hard for people to resist the temptation of the low discount, we should think about if we really need them, or we can buy them in a few days, the time can test if we really need the products.
There are some primary schools and secondary schools stipulate that the student bring the cellphone to school is not allowed. There is a lot of discussion about whether the students use the cellphone is good or bad.
The supporters think the cellphone is widely used today, the students usually keep themselves in touch with their parents or guardians via the cellphone any time. As for the security issue, the cellphone is necessary. On the other hand, the students can use it as a tool of study. They can search the study materials on line by using the cellphone, it will cut down much cost of the time, make the study more efficiently.
And other people think that the juveniles is not matured enough to use the cellphone in the right way. There were some reports said that some students used the cellphone to cheat in the exam. And also, many parents found that their children would attain some inappropriate information from the net service on the cellphone, it is not easy to supervise that. What the worst result is, they become a cellphone addict, stick to the cellphone anywhere anytime.
There are the advantages and disadvantages of the cellphone, I think the most important of all is how to use it as the best tool of our life instead of letting it control your life.
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