



  —What do you think the ______ should do first?—They should learn to take ______ as well as share rights in life.

  A. grown-up; responsibility

  B. growns-up; responsibility

  C. grown-ups; responsibilities

  D. growns-ups; responsibilities





  — I find it very difficult to read ____ novel you lent me last week.

  — Yes. It’s necessary to have _____ good knowledge of history.

  A. the; 不填 B. a; 不填 C. the; aD. a; a


  考生可能以為第一個空是特指對方上週所借給“我”的小說,故應填定冠詞;第二個空後面是抽象名詞,為不可數名詞,不填冠詞,於是錯選A。然而,此處knowledge之前須用不定冠詞,have a good knowledge of意為“對……很瞭解”,是固定搭配,故正確答案選C。



  — When did you meet her last?

  — I don’t remember exactly, but I’m sure it was ____ Friday when I went to the shop to buy ____ football.

  A. a; aB. 不填; aC. the; 不填 D. 不填; 不填





  — What do you think is the difference between _____ man and ____ woman?

  — I don’t think there’s any difference.

  A. the; the B. a; a C. 不填; 不填 D. a; the




  I would appreciate _____ if you could come and help me with my work.

  A. thatB. itC. thisD. one





  — Look! This is _______.

  — Very beautiful. When did she take it?

  A. my mother’s picture

  B. my mother in the picture

  C. a picture of my mother

  D. a picture of my mother’s


  考生可能受漢語思維的影響,錯選A或B;也可能受英語雙重所有格的影響,錯選D。根據語境可知,正確答案選C。my mother’s picture意為“我媽媽所擁有的照片”,暗含“照片上不一定是我媽媽”;my mother in the picture意為“照片中我的媽媽”;a picture of my mother’s意為“我媽媽所擁有的照片中的一張”,同樣,暗含“照片上不一定是我媽媽”;a picture of my mother意為“我媽媽的照片***照片中的人是媽媽***”。



  —Would you like to buy a car here?

  —Yes, but I’d like to buy ____ made in Shanghai.

  A. one B. that C. it D. this



  易錯點8:the other***s***,other***s***等短語的用法區別


  I have done much of the work. Could you please finish ____ in two days?

  A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others


  本題考生易誤選D項。其實本題是對the rest用法的考查。選項B、C均修飾可數名詞,選項D相當於“the other+可數名詞複數”結構,這三個選項用在本題中都不合適。the rest指代名詞時,既可以指代可數名詞複數,也可以指代不可數名詞。在本題中,the rest指代不可數名詞,相當於the rest of the work,故選A。當the rest作主語時,謂語動詞單複數的使用要由the rest所指代的內容來決定。



  His father has bought many books home, ____ but is easy enough for him to read.

  A. none B. no one C. every one D. some one


  許多考生會根據but一詞推測後面表否定意義,但是又考慮到空格後面沒有介 詞of,於是誤選B。no one通常用來指人。根據語境可知,空格後面省略了of the books,因此正確答案選A。

  no one與none的用法:

  ***1***no one相當於nobody,只能指人。


  ***3***none通常用於“how many/much...”的否定回答,而no one則常用於“who...”的否定回答。



  Of the two sisters, Betty is _____ one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.

  A. a younger B. a youngest C. the younger D. the youngest


  由題目中的two可知,橫線處應為比較級結構,故選項B和D首先被排除。根據題意可知,橫線處應為特指概念,故選C。在英語中,兩者之間的比較應用比較級結構。句中有表示範圍的of the two...時,該比較級前通常要加上the,表示特指的概念。
