


  1 prefer…to比起...更喜歡

  prefer doing to doing sth 比起做某事更喜歡做某事

  make a contribution to doing sth 為...做貢獻

  look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

  be/get used to doing sth 習慣於做某事

  stick to sth堅持做某事

  pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事

  2 see/hear sb. do***doing*** sth.看見/聽見某人做某事/正做某事 43 so +adj/adv+ that如此...以致

  such a +adj. +n. that… 如此...以至於

  4 spend…on /***in*** doing sth.花...在某物/做某事

  5 stop to do /stop doing 停下來做某事***另一件事***/停止做某事 46 borrow...from... 向...借來...

  lend...to... 把...借給...

  7 take/bring sth with sb. 隨身攜帶某物

  8 thanks to 幸虧;由於

  thank you for doing sth 因...謝謝某人

  thank sb for sth. 因某事謝謝某人

  9 The more…the better......越多,......越好


  1 It’s time for…/to do sth. 該是...的時間/該是做某事的時間

  2 stop/prevent/keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

  protect sb from doing sth 保護...免受...***的傷害***

  3 keep sb. doing 讓某人一直做某事

  4 keep/make sth. +adj. 保持/使某物處於......

  5 be good at 擅長 be good for 對...有好處/有益

  do well in 在...做得好

  do badly in 在...做得不好 be weak in 在...很薄弱

  be bad for = do harm to= be harmful to對...有壞處/有害

  6 make / let sb.***not*** do sth.讓某人做某事/不要做某事

  7 encourage sb to do sth 鼓勵某人去做某事

  8 not…at all一點也不

  9 not…until直到...才


  1 as soon as 一......就***引導時間狀語從句***

  2 as…as...和......一樣......***同級比較***

  He is as fat as me.他和我一樣胖

  not as***so***...as...不如...

  He is not so tall as me.他不如我高

  3 as…as possible 儘可能

  as soon/early as possible儘快/儘早

  4 ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物

  5 ask/tell sb. ***how*** to do sth.問/告訴某人如何做某事

  6 ask/tell sb. ***not*** to do sth. 請求/告訴某人做某事***不要做某事*** 7 be afraid of doing/that害怕做某事

  8 be busy doing sth/be busy with sth.忙於做某事/忙於某事

  9 be famous/late/ready/sorry for…出名/遲到/準備/抱歉

  10 be glad to do sth 高興做某事

  be glad that從句 什麼事情很高興

  11 buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell…sth. to sb.

  12 buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sb. sth.

  13 either…or 或者...或者;要麼...要麼

  neither…nor兩者都不; 既不...也不...

  both...and... 既...又...

  not only...but also...不僅...而且...

  14 enjoy/hate/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on/practice doing sth. 喜歡/討厭/喜歡/完成/停止/介意/堅持/繼續/練習 做某事

  15 find/think/feel it + adj to do sth.發現/認為/感覺做某事怎麼樣 16 A be形容詞比較級 +than B A比B 更加...

  A V 副詞比較級+ than B A做...比B更加...

  17 get ready for/get sth. ready 準備好....

  prepare for 為...做準備

  18 had better do sth./had better not do sth最好做某事/最好不要做某事

  19 help sb. ***to*** do/help sb.with 幫助某人做某事

  20 make progress 取得進步;取得進展

  21 I would like to /Would you like to…?我想要....../你想要......? 22 one of the + 最高階 + n***pl.***…最......當中的其中之一

  23 It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.對某人來說做某事怎麼樣

  24 It is a good idea to do sth.做什麼事真是個好主意

  25 look at 看著 look for 尋找

  look like 看起來像 look up 查詢***字典***

  look after 照顧

  26 It looks like …/It sounds like …看起來像,聽起來像

  27 It seems to sb. that…似乎某人......

  seem to do sth 似乎做某事

  seem adj. 似乎...

  28 系表結構 sound /look/ feel/taste/smell +adj.聽起來/看起來/感覺起來/嚐起來/聞起來...

  29 It takes sb some time. to do sth.花某人多少時間做某事

  30 It’s bad/good for… 不利於做某事/利於做某事

