





  在美國,沒什麼舉手,你有的時候需要一個手勢***抬下手***或者一個聲音***Ummm,Yeah, Well之類的***把別人的注意力吸引過來即可開講。一堆同學之間要講N個回合老師才說話。

  這個時候,如果你加入到一個對話,就非常需要承上啟下,需要和別人互動,需要總結別人的話,需要明確的表達自己的話和前面一個或者幾個人的話之間是什麼邏輯關係。這種邏輯關係可以是:補充,反對,支援,提問要求澄清,他說的理論我舉個例子,他說個現象我昇華抽象成規律和理論,我要新起個頭說下一話題,等等各種。***小夥伴們可能有疑惑:“這不就是國內老師最憎恨的‘接話頭’嗎?” 對呀!美國老師可喜歡這個啦。他們眼裡這是寶呢。***


  其他人在上課的時候筆記記得都是講的理論和學科的知識,記錄下來人家怎麼講話,怎麼開始,怎麼反駁,怎麼提問等等。花了一段時間,算是集齊了要用的話。和大家分享下。對了,這些叫conversational gambits。


  I think that... * 最簡單的

  It seems to me that... *可以用作表達意見,或者summarize或者confirm對方說的話。

  I would argue that...*這裡面用would來弱化語氣。

  Just to go along with what you said... 這句話真的很好用,承上啟下。這句話還好在,它使你現在插話看上去legitimate,因為你是為了和前面的那個人go along***接話***啊。不趕緊接話,不就along不上了嘛。

  Going back to what xxx said... * 同上。不過一般是你已經說了幾句此事,想要涉及別人剛剛提到過或者蜻蜓點水說道的東西。這句話的好處就是,一是能 bring others on board,看我的說法和你是有一致之處的, 二能表現他剛才說的東西你還有印象。


  I agree with you. *最簡單的

  Building on what XX has just said, ....

  I am with you..., but [main point]. * 這裡I am with you不一定表示同意也不一定表示反對,它主要的意思是說“你說的我聽懂了/我跟上你說的了。”

  I follow your logic, but have you thought about/considered this... [main point]...? *和上面一句話的邏輯是一樣的:“你說的我明白了,但是...”

  I see what you are saying, but I’m not sure I would argue that... *和上面兩句話的邏輯一樣。

  With all due respect, I think...


  Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t [a different topic]...?

  I’m not an expert on..., it seems to me that...

  I might be wrong, but ...

  I suspect that I lack some [background] information about this aspect, but here is my two cents.

  I am not sure about this..., you might want to check with Professor X... Would you mind letting me know what he/she says?

  [別人說了一堆之後] This is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it might be....


  Just to clarify,...

  May I ask a follow-up question?

  Could you say more ***about it***? *不確定自己是不是聽懂了,請別人多解釋一些。

  Could you elaborate on this?


  That’s an amazing model/useful concept, but it occurred to me that [this/something] might also play a role....Have you considered ...?

  Thanks for your talk. I completely agree with your conclusion, but as I’m sure you’re aware, Dr. XX explains this in a different way, and I was wondering if you could address her theory. * “but as I’m sure you’re aware”完全是給對方一個臺階下,可能那個理論他根本沒有考慮過。但是如果對方是很senior的,我們也需要客套一下。


  I was wondering if I could talk to you about... *一般都是用過去時,在email裡面也是如此。而且,雖然was wondering/hoping這種進行時看起來很怪,但是用法就是這樣子的。

  I was hoping that if I could talk to you about...

  I was wondering if it’d be possible that you...*

  Sorry to bother you, Professor X....

  I realize this is an unusual request...

  I realize that you are very busy...

  Thanks for your time.

  Thanks in advance for your help.

  It would be great if you could...*這個是最常用的,尤其是email裡面。