關於未來的英語詩歌:Believe in the Future—Shi Zhi相信未來——食指
When cobwebs relentlessly clog my stove ,
When its dying smoke sighs for poverty,
I will stubbornly dig out the disappointing ash,
And write with beautiful snowflakes: Believe in the Future.
When my overripe grapes melt into late autumn dew,
When my fresh flower lies in another's arms,
I will stubbornly write on the bleak earth,
With a dry frozen vine: Believe in the Future.
I point to the waves billowing in the distance,
I want to be the sea that holds the sun in its palm,
Take hold of the beautiful warm pen of the dawn,
And write with a child-like hand: Believe in the Future.
The reason why I believe so resolutely in the future is:
I believe in the eyes of the people of the future,
Their eyelashes that can brush away the ash of history,
Their pupils that can see through the texts of time.
It doesn't matter whether people shed contrite tears,
For our rotten flesh, or our hesitancy, or the bitterness of our failure,
Whether they view us with sneers or deep-felt sympathy,
Or scornful smiles or pungent satire.
I firmly believe that people will judge our spines,
And our endless explorations, losses, failures and successes,
With an enthusiastic, objective and fair evaluation.
Yes, I await their judgement anxiously,
Friends, please let us believe in the future,
Believe in our unbending striving,
Believe in our youth that can conquer death,
Believe in the Future: believe in Life.
關於未來的英語詩歌:人生禮讚A Psalm of Life***1839***
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
年輕人的心 ---What the Heart of the Young Man
對歌者說的話 Said to the Psalmist
不要用憂傷的調子對我說: Tell me not,in mournful numbers,
“人生不過是一場幻夢!” "Life is but an empty dream!"
昏睡的靈魂無異於死去, For the soul is dead that slumbers,
事物的真相和外表不同。 And things are not what they seem.
人生是真切的!人生是實在的!Life is real! Life is earnest!
它的歸宿決不是荒墳; And the grave is not its goal;
“你本是塵土,必歸於塵土”, "Dust thou art,to dust returnest,"
這是指軀殼,不是指靈魂。 Was not spoken of the soul.
我們命定的目標和道路 Not enjoyment,and not sorrow,
不是享樂,也不是受苦; Is our destined end or way;
而是行動,在每個明天 But to act,that each to-morrow
都超越今天,跨出新步。 Finds us further than to-day.
智藝無窮,時光飛逝; Art is long,and Time is fleeting,
這顆心,縱然勇敢堅強, And our hearts,though stout and brave,
也只如鼙鼓,悶聲敲打著, Still,like muffled drums,are beating
一下又一下,向墳地送喪。 Funeral marches to the grave.
在這世界遼闊的戰場上, In the world's broad field of battle,
在這人生巨大的營帳中; In the bivouac of Life,
莫學那聽人驅策的啞畜, Be not like dumb,driven cattle!
要做一個戰鬥的英雄! Be a hero in the strife!
別指望未來,不管它多迷人! Trust no Future,howe'er pleasant!
把已逝的過去永久埋葬! Let the dead Past bury its dead!
行動吧--趁著每一個今天! Act,---act in the living Present!
赤心在胸中,上帝在頭上! Heart within,and God o'erhead!
偉人的生平昭示我們: Lives of great men all remind us
我們能夠生活得高尚, We can make our lives sublime,
而當告別人世的時候, And,departing,leave behind us
留下腳印在時間的沙上; Footprints on the sands of time;
也許我們有一個兄弟 Footprints,that perhaps another,
航行在莊嚴的人生大海, Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
遇險沉了船,絕望的時刻, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
會看到這腳印而振作起來。 Seeing,shall take heart again.
那麼,讓我們起來行動吧, Let us,then,be up and doing,
對任何命運都敢於擔戴; With a heart for any fate;
不斷地進取,不斷地追求, Still achieving,still pursuing
要學會勞作,學會等待。 Learn to labor and to wait.
相關文章拓展閱讀:Inventions of the Future 未來的發明
Thousands of kids recently had a peek at the world of tomorrow. They experienced life-size2 virtual video games, talking robots, and high-tech vehicles. Those inventions were among the 150 creations from around the world on exhibit3 at this year's NextFest fair in New York City. The four-day festival was inspired by world's fairs of the past.
NextFest gave inventors a chance to unveil their latest creations. Many were right out of the laboratory, while others were still being developed. Exhibits included advances in exploration, entertainment, design, health, communication, security, and transportation. Here are some of the high-tech gadgets4 that captured our attention.
Greetings, Human!
Don't let this photo fool you! Actroid may look real, but she is actually a humanoid5, or humanlike, robot receptionist6. She was designed by a Japanese company to greet and entertain people. When Actroid speaks, she makes eye contact and uses appropriate hand gestures7. Other versions of this robot are programmed to reply to hundreds of questions in four languages: English, Japanese, Mandarin8 Chinese, and Korean.
Dive Like a Dolphin
What's it like to live like a sea creature? The Bionic Dolphin gives people the opportunity to find out. The vehicle can navigate9 across the water at speeds up to 80 miles per hour ***mph*** and then dive at least 10 feet. Its inventor, Thomas Rowe, designed the machine with wings to enable it to “fly” underwater as fast as 40 mph. “The majority of my research was on dolphins, but where I got the most help was penguins10 and diving birds11,” he told WR News.
The submersible vehicle was first designed for recreation12. However, it may be used in the future to save whales entangled13 in nets. A larger version of the vehicle has also been designed to rescue people lost at sea. “It swallows14 them,” says Rowe.
A Lifesaving Straw15
In poor countries, millions of people don't have access to clean, safe drinking water. About 6,000 of those people die each day from waterborne16 diseases. A Danish company has invented a special straw to make dangerous water safe for drinking. LifeStraw contains filters to block many types of disease-causing bacteria and parasites17. A parasite is an organism18 that grows or feeds on another organism. “We hope to save and enhance19 the lives of many people around the world, especially children,” LifeStraw representative Brian Hollingsworth told WR News.
Meet a Space-Bot20!
Robonaut21 may provide assistance in future space missions. The humanoid robot is being designed by NASA, the U.S space agency. The robot will “perform tasks that up until now only astronauts could do,”NASA engineer Roger Rovekamp told WR News. Robonaut may be used for “setting up a work site for an astronaut prior to a spacewalk22, repairing damage to the outside of a spaceship at a moment's notice23, or assisting in the assembly24 of a space structure.”
Robonaut can be autonomous or remotely controlled by a human operator from Earth or in space. The operator would wear a special headset25 that displays live videos from cameras on the robot's head. By wearing a glove with sensors26, that person can control the actions of Robonaut's fingers, which can hold tools as small as tweezers27.
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