On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it .
A grasshopper, half perished with hunger, besought the ant to give him a morsel of to preserve his life. "
What were you doing, "said the ant, "this last summer ?""Oh,"said the grasshopper,"I was not idle .I kept singing all the summer long ."
said the ant, laughing and shutting up his granary ."Since you could sing all summer, you may dance all winter."
Winter finds out what summer lays by.
One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and hercub.
"Why do you have only one child, dear dame?" asked the vixen.
"Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proudmother should feel."
the lioness said calmly, "Yes, just look at that beautiful collection. What are they? Foxes!I've only one, but remember, that one is a lion."
Three bulls fed in a field together in the GREatest peace and amity .
A lion had long watchedthem in the hope of making prize of them, but found that there was little chance for him so longas they kept all together .
He therefore began secretly to spread evil and slanderous reports ofone against the other ,till he had formented a jealousy and distrust amongst them .
Nosooner did the lion see that they avoided one another ,and fed each by himself apart ,than hefell upon them ,and so made an easy prey of them all.
the quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes.
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