Have you ever thought about the life with robots in the next 50 or 100 years?
We can imagine that all the housework, including washing dishes and cleaning the windows and many kinds of things like this, will be done easily and automatically. It is just because we have robots. As long as they are at home, we will not need to go shopping and cooking by ourselves any more.If any family member get ill, we can still stay in our apartment. Because the robot is the doctor.
Yes, robots may be everything except humans in the future.
:A Robot Babysitter看小孩的機器人
In 2005 Japan made a new robot. It can take care of a child. The new robot is called iPapero. It weighs 13.2 pounds, and has a body of 15.2 by 10.3 and by 9.8 inches.
iPapero is a small robot, but it has many special skills. It can recognize and remember up to ten faces and use its eight separate electronic ears to understand human voices even in noisy situations. It also plays games with children when they are unhappy, or sing songs or ask quizzes to entertain the child. If the child is bored, iPapero will change new songs and quizzes so that it doesn't repeat itself. The robot babysitter even has a cell phone to call a parent when the child asks for his mother.
The robot can change a person's life in many ways. I bought a robot from a robot shop in order to have more free time. The breakfast is ready when I get up every day. Then it helps me iron clothes. As a result, I no longer need to get up early to do housework. When I'm at work, it will help me do the laundry, wash the dishes, sweep the floor and make the bed. When I return home from work, a delicious dinner will be on the table. I'm happy with my robot very much. How clever the robots are!
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