《水調歌頭·多景樓》 陸游
Prelude to Water Melody
The Multi-Viewed Tower
Lu You
Of scenic spots on eastern riverside,
None' s better than Xu State so far and wide.
Hill on hill like a scroll,
A frowning tower overlooks where the waves roll.
Drums beat and horns blow long in the breeze sad and strong.
The beacon fire now dim now bright kindles the sky.
How can I not remember generals of fame high?
For miles and miles they wielded spears;
In open air slept brave compeers.
Grass wet with dew,
Leaves fall in breeze
Of autumn hue.
Your spirits high
In laughter wash away all sorrow old and new.
I see not heroes of the days gone by.
What can today' s visitors do?
It is a lasting regret hard to appease.
But you alone can leave a thousand years' name;
As long as rivers flow will last your fame.
《鵲橋仙·夜聞杜鵑》 陸游
Immortal at the Magpie Bridge
Lu You
Under the thatched eaves all's still at night;
By the straw window flickers candlelight,
While wind and rain o'erspread the river in late spring.
Nor orioles nor swallows in their nests will sing,
But I hear the cuckoos' cry
Oft rend the moonlit sky.
Urging clear tears to stream
And startling me from lonely dream.
Away to deep-hidden branch they fly.
Even in native hills I could not stand their song,
Let alone after half my life drifting along.
《謝池春·壯歲從戎》 陸游
Spring on the Pool
Lu You
Adult, I served in the army long ago,
The breath I exhaled would swallow the beaten foe.
War clouds rose higher,
At night burned beacon fire.
With reddened face, black hair and sharpened spear,
We marched to the west frontier.
But my scholar's habit has hindered my career.
Awake from my wild dream,
I float my leaflike boat on Southern stream.
Singing the plaintive lays,
I think of heroes of bygone days.
On boundless misty waves, alas!
Where can I find the ancient Pass?
In vain I've passed another year.