


  1.have an ice cream

  2.eat an ice cream


  吃個冰激凌 have an ice cream

  吃一個冰激凌 have an ice cream

  我喜歡吃冰激凌 I like ice-cream

  吃一些冰激凌 eat some ice cream

  寡人要吃冰激凌 The Ancient Ice Cream

  我請你吃冰激凌吧 I invite you to eat ice cream

  吃魚/吃冰激凌 eat fish/ice cream

  have an ice cream例句

  1. Ali: May I have an ice cream sandwich, please ?

  阿里: 我可以吃個冰激淋三明治 嗎 ?

  2. Ali: I can have an ice cream sandwich, can't I ?

  阿里: 我能吃一個冰激淋三明治, 對 吧 ?

  3. Ali : May I have an ice cream sandwich, please ? Here's thirty - five cents.

  我可以買個冰激淋三明治 嗎 ?給你三角五分錢.

  4. You can have an ice cream after you've eaten your meat!


  5. Melinda: I would rather have an ice - cream!

  梅林達: 我更願意得個冰淇淋.

  6. You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.


  7. The Italian way is to round off a meal with an ice-cream.


  8. I'll bet they have yummy ice cream.


  9. The boy charged up and asked for an ice cream.


  10. The easiest way to make ice cream yourself is to invest in an ice cream machine.
