不短不長的英語笑話:Change of jobs
A judge in his golden years decided that retirement had become too boring. So he volunteered as a librarian at his local library branch.
A week later, his supervisor, a stern woman in her sixties, called him into her office.
She cleared her throat and said, "You know, I appreciate that when you were a judge you were stern with lawbreakers. And you carry that with you to your new job, which iscommendable. But when someone owes an overdue fine, you can't just..."
The judge interupted... "I had to throw the book at him or he would think I was soft."
"I know," said the librarian, "but the Oxford English Dictionary?"
“Will you tell the court how far you were from the spot where the shooting occurred?” asked a defense lawyer.
“I was exactly ten feet, two-and-one-half inches,” replied the witness.
“How can you be sure of the exact distance?” asked the lawyer.
“I carefully measured it because I was sure sooner or later some fool would ask that question.”
不短不長的英語笑話:Dirty car
A man walks into a friend and see's that his friend's car is total loss and covered with leaves, grass, branches, dirt and blood.
He asks his friend, "What's happened to your car?"
"Well," the friend responses, "I ran over a lawyer."
"OK," says the man, "that explains the blood... But what about the leaves, the grass, the branches and the dirt?"
"Well, I had to chase him all the way through the park."
不短不長的英語笑話:Paramedic lawyer
Three paramedics were boasting about improvements in their respective ambulance team's response times.
"Since we installed our new satellite navigation system," bragged the first one, "we cut our emergency response time by ten percent."
The other paramedics nodded in approval. "Not bad," the second paramedic commented. "But by using a computer model of traffic patterns, we've cut our average response time by 20 percent."
Again, the other team members gave their congratulations, until the third paramedic said, "That's nothing! Since our ambulance driver passed the bar exam, we've cut our emergency response time in half!"
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