蝸牛買跑車snail and car
There was once a snail who was sick and tired of his reputation for being so slow. He decided to get some fast wheels to make up the difference. After shopping around a while, he decided that the Datson 240-Z was the car to get. So the snail goes to the nearest Datsun dealer and says he wants to buy the 240-Z, but he wants it repainted "240-S".The dealer asks, "Why 'S'?"The snail replies, "'S' stands for snail. I want everybody who sees me roaring past to know who's driving."Well, the dealer doesn't want to lose the unique opportunity to sell a car to a snail, so he agrees to have the car repainted for a small fee.The snail gets his new car and spent the rest of his days roaring happily down the highway at top speed. And whenever anyone would see him zooming by, they'd say "Wow! Look at that S-car go!"
曾經有隻蝸牛,它對自己動作慢的名聲感到了厭惡和疲倦。他決心去弄些跑得飛快的輪子來改變這種境況。逛了一圈之後,它決定買Datson 240-Z。他去了最近的Datsun經銷店,去買Datson 240-Z,但是它想把這輛車重新刷漆,改稱240-S。 經銷商問:“為什麼是S呢?” 蝸牛回答說:“‘s’代表蝸牛。我想讓每一個看見我呼嘯而過的人知道是誰在開車。” 經銷商不想失去把汽車賣給蝸牛這樣一個機會,所以他同意收取些許費用,把車重新塗漆。 蝸牛開著它的新車,把自己的餘生都用在了快樂地高速行使在告訴公路上。而不論何時任何人看見它飛馳而過的時候,都會說:“哦!看那S-car 。”
死後重生Life After Death
Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.
"Yes, Sir." the new recruit replied.
"Well, then, that makes everything just fine," the boss went on. "After you left early yesterdayto go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you.
Very stupid robbersTwo robbers were robbing a hotel. The first robber said, "I hear sirens.Jump!"
The second one said, "But we're on the 13 th floor!"The first one screamed back, "This is notime to be superstitious!"
Good Points and Bad Points
"This house," said the real-estate salesman, "has both its good points and bad points. To showyou I'm honest, I'm goint to tell you about the disadvantage - there is a chemical plant oneblock south and a slaughterhouse one block north."
"What are the advantages?" inquired the prospective buyer.
"The good thing about it," said the agent, "is that you can always tell which way the wind isblowing."
請朋友吃飯 Friend for Dinner
Honey, said the husband to his wife, I invited a friend home for supper.
What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I havent been shopping, all the dishes are dirty,and I dont feel like cooking a fancy meal!
I know all that.
Then why did you invite a friend for supper?
Because the poor fools thinking about getting married.
向肖伯納求婚 Marriage Proposal to Bernard Shaw
Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to propose marriage to Bernard Shaw. Shesaid she did not mind Bernard Shaw’s old age and ugliness because he was a genius. And ifthey could combine the beauty of the woman with the talents of the great man,that would begreatly harmonious. “With your wisdom and my appearance,our children must be perfect.”
Bernard Shaw answered,in a letter,that her imagination was splendid,“But,what if thechildren take my appearance and your wisdom?”
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