:To Drum Up Business 招攬生意
A man accidentally slipped on a banana peel***香蕉皮*** and performed a very funny fall. He was not hurt, but had his dignity somewhat ruffled.
When he got better a moment later, he found a number of people standing round in a circle. He said angrily, "What are these idlers doing here.?"
"They are not idlers," explained his friend. "This man is a doctor. He wants to look you over." That man is a lawyer. He is ready to file suit for you. And a producer of comic films is waiting for you to sign a contract agreeing to work for him."
:Lecture on Giving up Drinking 戒酒演講
A competition which subject is on giving up drinking is proceeding. One of lecturers says excitedly, " Alcohol can break down conjugal***婚姻的*** relation, even cause your wife to leave you… "
A man shouts out at the news, "Give me another bottle of Brandy."
:The Bus is too crowded 車太擠
"Hey, let me get on." a man shouted at the passengers on the bus.
"It's too crowded. You had better wait for the next bus." a passenger said to him.
"But you can't go without me. I'm the driver." the man said.
:Imitate Birds 模仿鳥兒
A man tried to get a job in a stage show. "What can you do?" asked the producer.
"Imitate birds," the man said.
"Are you kidding?" answered the producer, "People like that are a dime a dozen."
"Well, I guess that's that." said the actor, as he spread his arms and flew out the window.
:Elephant Sandwich 大象三明治
he customs official blocks a traveller, and ask him whether take should pay customs duties a product.
"Have no." The traveller answers a way.
"Are you affirmative to have no?"
"So what's the matter with the elephant with bread slices clipping on its ears?"
"Sir, it's completely my own business to clip things in my sandwich!"
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