Lu Ji was a man of Huating, Wu County ***today's Songjiang, Shanghai*** in the period of the Three Kingdoms and a scientist.
When he was six years old, he went to Jiujiang with his father to call upon Yuan Shu. The latter entertained them with oranges and Lu Ji hided two oranges under his clothes. 六歲時,隨父親陸康到九江謁見袁術,袁術拿出橘子招待,陸績往懷裡藏了兩個橘子。
When they departed, the oranges fell to the ground and Yuan Shu laughed: "You came to my home as a guest. Why should you take away the host’s oranges when you leave?"
Lu Ji answered: "My mother likes to eat oranges and I want to take them back for my mother." Yuan Shu was very surprised to learn he was pious to his mother at such a young age. 陸績回答說:“母親喜歡吃橘子,我想拿回去送給母親嚐嚐。”袁術見他小小年紀就懂得孝順母親,十分驚奇。陸
When Lu Ji was grown up, he was knowledgeable and knew astronomy and the calendar. He drew the Armillary Sphere Map, annotated the Book of Changes and wrote the Annotations on Canon of Supreme Mystery.
Jiang Ge was a man of Zibo, Kingdom Qi in the period of the East Han Dynasty. His father died when he was young and he was very pious to his mother.
He carried his mother on his back to avoid war and met with bandits on several occasions.
They would kill him and he wept to say: "My mother is old and no one would support her." Seeing he was pious, the bandits let him go.
Later he moved to Xiapi, Jiangsu and supported his mother by working as a laborer. He was poor and barefooted himself, but he supported his mother quite well.
He was recommended for his piety in the period of Emperor Ming and for his virtues and integrity in the period of Emperor Zhang and appointed general.
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