1:A portrait of god
A little boy was drawing a sketch with pencil and paper.
When his mother asked what he was doing, he answered immediately and with considerable pride: ”I am drawing a portrait of God.”
Being surprised and afraid, his mother said:” You cannot do that. No one has ever seen God. No one knows how God looks.”
But the little boy replied complacently: ”Well when I get through, they will know.”
2:The remaining sheep
The teacher said: “If the shepherd put twenty sheep out to feed on the grass in a field, five of them jumped a fence, how many sheep would be left?”
“None, ” called out little Mac. The teacher said: “I am surprised that you can’t count correctly. I know that you are good at arithmetic, but you have made such a mistake now.”
Little Mac said:” You know arithmetic, teacher, but you don’t know sheep. I know that if one sheep jumped, the rest will follow it to do the same.”
3:King Qihuangone Avoiding Being Treated
A famous doctor, Bian Que, after seeing Duke Huan of the state of Cai, told him that his illness had intruded into his skin and he needed to be treated immediately.
But the Duke felt he was in good health and thought that Bian Que just wanted to take credit, so he ignored him.
Ten days later, Bian Que advised the Duke to take treatments when the illness was only ion the flesh, but the Duke still had not said anything.
Another then days had passed before Bian Que told the Duke that his illness had moved to his intestines and stomach. But the king still did not believe hi, Another ten days later, when Bian Que saw the Duke, he said nothing and turned around and left.
Duke Huan sent people to ask for the reason, and Bian Que answered that when the illness was in skin, flesh, intestines and stomach, it could be cured through sticking medicines, fumigating and washing, acupuncture, or taking medicines that can eliminate internal heat, etc. Now the illness was in the bones, it could not be cured any more.
Five days later, Duke Huan ached all over the body. But at this time, xiaogushi8 Bian Que had already fled to the state of Qin. Before long, the Duke died of his incurable illness.
4.英語故事短文 勵志
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