The Fox and the Goat
One day, a fox fell into a deep well and could not get out. A thirsty goat looked down into the well. He saw the fox. “How is the water?” asked the goat.
“The water is cool and delicious,” said the clever fox. “Come in and have a drink!” The goat was terribly thirsty. He jumped into the well without giving it a second thought. “But how will I get out?” asked the goat.
“We’ll help each other,” said the fox. “Put your front feet on the wall. I will climb up your back. Then I will help you get out.”
The goat agreed. He placed his feet on the wall. The fox quickly climbed out and started to run away. “Come back!” cried the goat. “I can’t get out of the well by myself!”
The fox turned back and said, “You silly old goat! Jump into the well was a foolish decision. You should always think twice before you act.”
Yan Zi was a famous prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period.
One day, Yan Zi went out in a carriage driven by his coachman.
The coachman's wife had never seen Yan Zi before and wished to have a look at him.
She peeped from behind the door. "Ah,here comes Yan Zi!"
She got the impression that though he was the prime minister of the State of Qi, he talked and behaved with great modesty.
But her own husband?
Haughty and arrogant, he sat under the big canopy driving the carriage for Yan Zi, yet considering himself unexcelled in the world.
She was much ashamed of her husband.
As soon as the coachman returned home, his wife asked for a divorce.
The coachman was baffled, unable to make head or tail of this, and asked angrily:
"A divorce? What is your reason?"
The wife answered:
"Yan Zi is}less than 6 chi ***Chinese unit of length, 1/3 metre*** tall, but his heart is filled with aspirations and his mind with knowledge.
Though he is the prime minister, he is courteous and treats people prudently when he goes out.
But what about you?
You are fully 8 chi tall, but you forget that you are only a coachman.
By the side of the prime minister, you dare to look so cocky,consider yourself always in the right, and brandish the whip to urge the horse on in utter complacency.
You are so immodest that I can't live with you any longer."
Upon hearing his wife's words, the coachman felt much ashamed.
Thereafter he became very careful and prudent in doing things and treated people modestly.
Yan Zi noticed the big change in the coachman's behavior and couldn't understand why. So he asked the coachman.
The coachman told Yan Zi his wife's criticism in detail.
At this, Yan Zi was deeply moved. Later Yan Zi recommended him to be a da fu ***a senior official***.
One day, Ling Gong, King of the State of Qi, had a sudden whim.
He liked to see women wearing men's clothes and let all the women in his harem do so.
Soon afterwards, all the women in the whole country followed the fashion and dressed like men.
Seeing the whole country follow this example, Ling Gong became angry, and gave orders to theofficials in all parts of the ountry:
"Whenever you see women dressed like men, you are to tear up their clothes and rip theirwaistbands."
But this trend among women to dress like men couldn't be discouraged.
One day, when the prime minister Yan Zi came to court for an audience with him, Ling Gongasked him:
"I ordered all the officials to forbid women to wear men's clothes.
Whenever they see them doing so, they are to tear up their clothes and rip their waistbandswithout exception.
But this trend couldn't be stopped. What exactly is the reason?"
Yan Zi answered:
"Your Majesty, you allow the women in your harem to dress like men, but you forbid thecommon people to do so.
This is like hanging up the head of an ox outside the door, but selling horsemeat inside.
How can that be done?
If women in your harem are rorbidden to wear men's clothes, then how would the peopleoutside the palace dare to do so any longer?"
Ling Gong nodded his head again and again, and said: "What you have said is right! What youhave said is right!"
Ling Gong ordered his officials to do according to what Yan Zi had said.
Sure enough, in less than one month, the trend of dressing like men among women in thewhole country was stopped.
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