高中英語小短文帶翻譯:成長的代價The Price of Growing Up
Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the cliff before they could fly. The successful ones could fly and became the strong birds while the failed ones would crash and then died. The mother eagles are brutal to the babies, but this is the price of growing up. The little eagles who fail to fly would not live long in the natural competition. It makes me think of the children, some parents spoil the kids and they don’t realize it will destroy their children. The children need to learn the lessons, so that they can be the tough person. The road of being mature needs the price.
高中英語小短文帶翻譯:決心和行動Ambition and Action
For the young people, it is very important to have ambition, they need the motivation to move on. But most of them are just talking about the ambition and never take the action. The action is as important as the ambition. On the one hand, ambition sets up the goal for a person to fight. Without ambition, no one can be successful, ambition is just like the light in the dark, it leads people to see the bright future. On the other hand, action helps people to realize their dreams. Sometimes, action even is more important than the ambition. Everyone has the ambition, but the action makes them different. The one who just keeps thinking and not to take action will never be successful. As the saying that no pain, no gain, it reminds people to take action. So we need to have both ambition and action.
高中英語小短文帶翻譯:什麼是幸福?What Is Happiness?
People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don’t know how to define it. Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness. It is common that great acts are admired by the public and people are easy to feel the happiness. While in my opinion, happiness is very easy to achieve. When I stay with my family, we have the nice talk and I feel very happy. When I eat the delicious food that is cooked by my mother, I feel moved and happy. Happiness is around everywhere, we can feel it if we treat it right.
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