必讀優美英文詩歌:You Can Never Be Too Careful
You can never be too careful,
that's what I always say,
and so I wear a hat, or two,
in case my hair turns gray.
I've thirteen tires on my car,
in case I get a flat.
I wear my pants size fifty-three,
in case I grow too fat.
You can never be too careful,
I'm sure you'll find it's true.
I see the doctor every day,
in case I catch the flu.
I carry twenty handkerchiefs,
in case I have to sneeze,
and forty seven bandages,
in case I skin my knees.
You can never be too careful,
so if I take a walk,
I tiptoe everywhere I go
and whisper when I talk.
I hide my money in a box,
and lock it up inside Fort Knox.
My house is made of bricks and rocks.
The front door has a hundred locks.
But now I have a problem, see,
I'm locked inside without the key.
I've lost it and I can't get free.
I hid it much too carefully!
必讀優美英文詩歌:I'm Feeling Rather Full Tonight
I'm feeling rather full tonight.
I couldn't eat another bite.
I couldn't eat a half a bean,
or even taste a tangerine.
I couldn't lick a lettuce leaf
or bite the slightest bit of beef.
I couldn't polish off a pea
or sip a single drop of tea
or nibble on a nanogram
of pickled ham or candied yam
or lamb or clam or jam or Spam.
Yes, that's how full I truly am.
To even think of eating more
would leave me lying on the floor
and surely make my stomach hurt
unless, of course, you've got dessert.
必讀優美英文詩歌:At History I'm Hopeless
At history I'm hopeless.
At spelling I stink.
In music I'm useless.
From science I shrink.
At art I'm atrocious.
In sports I'm a klutz.
At reading I'm rotten.
And math makes me nuts.
At language I'm lousy.
Computers? I'm cursed.
In drama I'm dreadful.
My writing's the worst.
"I don't understand it,"
my teacher exclaims.
I tell her they ought to teach
video games.
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