Thanks for your reply full of sincerity and patience.
XiaoXu will be on a business trip to Shanghai on 20th,April.If everything goes well,she will arrive at Shenzhen on 25th,April.We can meet each other on 25th if you are available.
The issue we need to discuss is about the product,namely the STF—1132.The gridding protecting films absorb the largest portion in the demand of the real market.Therefore,the product is necessary.Could you please make some adjustment on the color in order not to affect your credit,for example,you can change the gridding into green,yellow or black.
As far as I know,eighty percent of the products put into production in the Mainland China from Taiwan are with gridding.Therefore,the quantity of the products is very large.I hope that we can make a cooperation,of course,the beneficial result will be pretty considerable.
enterprise is totally major in secondary sector.We have our own stores for the sales in Beijing,shanghai,Guangzhou and Yiwu.Besides,I wonder how long will the cycle probably be when we receive the goods from you delivery.
Best wishes,
Aunt Margaret hello:
Thank you for giving me the red! This gives you pay New Year's call."! Happy family health you good health, good luck in everything!
Long time no contact with you, if I can be of any help, please tell me, very glad to be at your service!
Best wishes,
Hello Aunt :
Thank you for giving me a red envelope! Wish you have a happy new year and your family good health and good luck!
I've been a long time not to contact you, if there is anything I can help you, please feel free to tell me, I'll be very happy for helping you.
Best wishes,
Hello Aunt Margaret:
Thank you for giving me a red envelope! White in the New Year to you! I wish your family good health and good luck!
Long time no contact you, and any place where I can help, please feel free to tell me, very happy for you!
Best wishes,
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