Studying at school occupies students a lot of time, so students have less part time, when the holiday comes, they feel so excited and don’t want to study, just sleep and play with their friends all the time. Students can spend their part time happily, at the same time, they can learn things, too. Students can consider to watch movie, I think they like to watch movie of course, because movie is so funny, watching movie is like studying English, what’s more important is that they can learn the countries’ culture, the movies always reflect the countries’ culture. Students can also go to the museum, they can visit the museum, learning the history, they see the real material, it is much lively than the book. The part time is very precious for students, they can play with fun and learn things at the same time.
Today, as the development of the technology, people live a much better life than before, the average wage is promoted highly. The economy develops at the cost of polluting the environment, we can see the pollution everywhere, like the river water is dirty, the situation is so serious that we must take some action to control the environmental pollution. First, we should not throw away the rubbish, whenever we have rubbish at hand, we should keep the habit to throw it into the dustbin, sometimes the garbage can be recycled. Second, the government should make some measure to punish the industry which is not deal with the pollution well. With the government’s intervention, the businessmen will pay special attention to the pollution and dare not to ignore it. Protecting the environment needs everyone’s effort, to ourselves and our offspring’s health, we must take action to protect the environment.
Everyone needs friends in their lives, no one can live alone, they need friends to share their sorrow and happiness, so that they can keep the good mood. But even the marriage needs to run in the long term, for friendship, people will confront all kinds of problems, the one who can deal with the problems well will maintain the friendship. When you have argument with your friends, both of you do not want to give in, at this time, you need to calm down and be general, you can release the intense atmosphere。In a few days, when both of you have calmed down, the argument is nothing but a small interlude. Sometimes your friend will work in another place, if you two are lazy to contact with each other, friendship is easy to lose as the time went by. Maintaining friendship is not easy.
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