1:Li Na’s Retiring
Since I went to high school, I like to watch tennis match so much, because the tennis match can help me relieve myself from the study pressure. My favorite tennis player is Li Na, it is not because she is our country’s athlete, but also her spirit of never giving up. I have been watching her playing tennis match for more than 8 years, I just get used to following her match. Yesterday, Li Na had announced that she was retired, she would not join the tennis tour any more, it is such a shock new for me, thinking about missing her presence in the tennis tour match, I felt so lost, but it is a good choice for her. She has gotten so many illness because of her career, what’s more, she is old for a player, it is the time for her to open the new chapter of her life.
2:The Second Child of Princess Kate
Princess Kate catches the world’s attention since she married the Prince William. About a year ago, Princess Kate gave birth to a boy, people from Britain are happy for them, they keep their eyes on the little prince. The good news for the loyal is that Princess Kate has the second child, she will be a mother again. When the world’s curious about the sex of the baby, Kate went to the hospital yesterday, after two hours, her second baby was coming, it is a girl. What the great news for Kate, she has a boy and a daughter now. When the world was giving her the best wishes, she came out of the hospital with her baby in her arm. Kate took recovery in 10 hours, how amazing she is. She looks gorgeous, she is a strong woman。
3:Be an Excellent Girl
Every girl like to be beautiful, I am no exception. Once, I thought I was fat, in order to look as perfect as the movie stars, I went on diet, I refused the delicious food, which made me sick. Finally, I gave up, I realized that I wasn’t a star, I just need to be myself. Maybe I am not beautiful in outlook, but I can be an excellent girl. To be an excellent girl, I need to read more books. Books indeed bring me the nutrition which makes me different. Books broaden my vision, I see the different sceneries in the books, I feel like I am growing up. I am no longer narrow-minded, I start to treat things in different ways. When other girls are talking about how to look beautiful, I don’t care about it, I just care about how to live my own way.
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