a window is opened up at the crack of dawn, beside which one man is overlooking the the mess of buildings outside, breathing the fresh air cosily. but just after a little while, he steps to his seat, staring at the computer screen till the night. this man is very likely a programmer.
there is a man who concentrates on his computer, but doesn’t care about however he dresses, or even whether he washes his face.
there is a man who has a good knowledge of computer language, but has a low eq and makes a bad relationship with others.
there is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends.
these images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes. however, people just have a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming. there is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we use nowadays.
when you are so proud of possessing an iphone, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you get confidence to show off the advanced mobile phones thoroughly.
when you take advantage of computers to cope with problems in life, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you seek the convenience of computer.
when you needn’t worry about hot summer and cold winter owing to an air-conditioner, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you share the machine’s intelligent.
take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work. thus, not only is programming our tool in study, but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation.
i love programming, because of its powerful function. i love programming, because of its abundant application.
i love programming, because of its terrible challenge.
i love programming, but i am not intend to be an outstanding programmer, nor making a great researching achievement. i just want to know it and do what i want with it.
i hope you firstly remove the horrible psychology upon programming, and then try to get in touch with it. at last, i hope programming gives you much happiness in life!
when you release your pressure by playing varies of online games, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you enjoy the great entertainment in life.
as people’s thoughts control their bodies, computer programs play a leading role in the modern times. both social progress and human evolution depend on the computer programs. in the practical application, a software consists of different programs and then combines with hardware to develop into a high-tech electronic product. there are many kinds of electronic products found everywhere in our daily life. nearly all the time do we make use of these products to conduct our passion.
yes, it is definitely right that programming is a hard work because of its special characteristics---complicated, time-wasted, logical. to make a program needs our continual patient and confidence, and we should accept failure again and again in most cases. but once you go into further understanding of computer programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.
it is of great convenience for us to simplify or model our complex questions by programming. furthermore, studying and using programs can enforce us to form our ability of analyzing and logic. computer language has its regular grammar. how to organize the language into a reasonable calculating method in a high efficiency like speaking easy-understanding and breath-saving words, is an awful challenge for us, and it will be very funny.
now, software is more and more important in our life, therefore programmer becomes a popular profession, which is one urgent need in the society. for our country, it’s very important to ensure our national security from others, such as japan. enhancing military strength makes us pay more attention to the informationalized war that attached intensely to the fundamental function of program and software. it is truth that china has a huge population of 1.4 billion, which means messy things from all the people every day. also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from information composed by programs.
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