1.what kind of dog doesnot bite or bark
2.what is the smallest room in the world
3.What table is in the field?
4.What stays hot even if put it in a fridge?
5.My first letter is in "tea",not in "sea" My second letter is in "those",not in "these" My third letter is in "fine",not in "nine" My forth letter is in "buy",not in "boy" 打一人們非常喜歡吃的一種綠色食品
6.Which room has no doors, no windows.
key:A mushroom.
7.I'm wear a green shirt at outside,
I got red face in it,and so many little black dots.
Who am I?
8.What is Mr.Newton's favorite fruit?
9.What is red or green, round and sometimes sweet and sometimes sour?
key:an apple.
10.What is tall and green with lots of small heads on it?
11. What is green on the outside and with lots of small green balls on the inside when you open it up?
12. What is the only vegetable that will make you cry?
key:an onion
13.What fruit is always sour?
key:a lemon
14.Which do you use at Halloween?
15.What is big and white on the inside, but green on the outside?
何處覓他打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: hermit隱士
一個團體一共多少個人? —— 謎底: 20個,因為團體就是twenty
海味打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: heavy
為離之打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: vallage
It has a head ,but no neck.It has a body,but no warmth.NO feet,but can travel?—— 謎底: a car
What clothing is always sad?什麼衣服總是傷感的?—— 謎底: Blue Jeans. 藍色牛仔服。 blue adj.藍色的;傷感的
阿匹婆打一英文名詞 —— 謎底: a people
爸爸去世打一英文 —— 謎底: bus.
老五打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: love
兔子不拉屎打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: toothbrush牙刷
比褲子打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: because
八哥打一英語單詞 —— 謎底: bug
What part of your body disappears when you stand up? —— 謎底: Your lap.
Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun?男孩為什麼讓他的狗坐在陽光下?—— 謎底: He wants to have a hot dog.
老爺打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: lawyer律師,法學家
What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks? —— 謎底: A river.
托兒打一英語單詞 —— 謎底: tall
潲哇打一英文單詞—— 謎底: shower陣雨;淋浴;淋浴器;一大批;下陣雨;似陣雨般降落;灑落;紛紛降落。
What can you break with only one word? —— 謎底: Silence.
What word can you make shorter by adding to it? —— 謎底: Short.
施耐德打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: schneider裁縫
Why can a bride hide nothing?為什麼新娘子什麼也藏不住?—— 謎底: Because someone will give her away.
What two words have thousands of letters in them? —— 謎底: Post office
為立志打一英文單詞 —— 謎底: village村民;鄉村,村莊;群落。
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