As we know,good health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energy,so we must have enough food to keep healthy.
we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat,and we also must have right kinds of food.A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well.Different foods help us in different ways,if we eat too little or too much,or if we choose the wrong food,we may become sick,so we must have meals three times every day on time,too.
It's necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.
I live in Nanjing. My favouriate thing is to taste all kinds of delicious food every day. One of them is called Ya Xue Feng Si. The food is good not only in smell but also in colour, but the method of cooking it is very simple. Before starting the fire, you should make preparations for it.First, you clean some vegetables and the blood of duck and put them in bowls for use. Second, put some proper water in the pot. When the water is hot, put the blood in the hot water. after five minutes, put the vegetables into the water. Finally, put the food into the bowl,and put some special star anise. You will enjoy it with the whole soul and heart.
You have trillions of bacteria in your gut that help you digest food, and yogurt contains some types of these healthy bacteria. ***Although not all yogurts have them — check for "live and active cultures" on the label.***
Kimchi is a Korean favorite usually made with cabbage, radish, or onion, along with lots of spices. The main ingredients of cabbage and onion both promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. And cabbage is a type of fiber that's not digested, so it helps eliminate waste, keeping bowel movements regular, Anderson says. Sauerkraut is good for the same reasons.
Lean Meat And Fish 瘦肉、魚
If you're going to eat meat, go for chicken, fish, and other lean meats — they'll go down a loteasier than a juicy steak. "Red meats tend to be fattier," Anderson says. "Your body canhandle lean meats and fish and chicken a whole lot better than prime rib." And lean meats andfish won't raise your risk of colon cancer like high-fat red meats will.
For some people food is just a necessity to satisfy basicneeds, for the others food is more than just a basic necessity, but a pleasurethat plays a significant role in their understanding of happiness. There are somany different cuisines and food preferences built by cultural and ethnicalbackgrounds, geographical locations and social classes. Food can tell us a lotabout the history and traditions of various nations and regions. Meat eatinghabits, herbs and crops – everything makes its contribution to the traditionalcuisine and culture. India is a land of spices, Africa is a continent ofsauces, Europe discloses esthetical beauty of food and opens up newopportunities and inventions for those who value and enjoy eating.
Eating habits change over time and followclimate, cultural and other transformations that determined the evolution ofthe communities and other social cells. Changes in the way people serve thetable, evolution of European and Asian business etiquette, food preferencesaccording to the surveys in different countries and other elements that allowmeasuring and analyzing the evolution of food help us understand the history.
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