


  ***1*** 一般式***to+動詞原形***:表示與主句謂語動詞動作同時***或幾乎同時***發生或在主句謂語動詞之後發生的事情。例如:

  We’re happy to have you on our side.有你在我們這邊我們很高興。

  I saw him go out.我看見他出去了。*** 不定式go out 與 see同時發生。***

  They invited me to have dinner with them.他們邀請我和他們一起吃晚飯。

  I hope to see you again.我希望再見到你***to see發生在hope之後***

  ***2*** 進行式***to be+現在分詞***:表示主句謂語的動作發生時,不定式動作正在進行。例如:

  She’s said /believed to be living nearby. 據說/據信她就住在附近。

  When he came in, I happened to be sleeping in bed.他進來時,我碰巧正在床上睡覺。

  They seem/appear to be enjoying themselves.看上去他們似乎很快活。

  He pretended to be doing his homework when he heard his father’s sound他聽見父親的聲音,假裝正在做作業。

  The president was reported to be visiting the hospital.據報道總統正在訪問那家醫院。

  ***3***完成式***to have+過去分詞***:表示在主句謂語的動作之前發生的事情。:如:

  I’m glad to have met your parents here. 我很高興在這兒見到了你父母***已見過***

  I’m sorry to have kept him waiting for me so long.我很抱歉讓他等了我這樣久。***已經等過了***

  動詞不定式的完成式和下列動詞的過去時連用,表示過去沒有實現的事情:plan, hope, expect, be, intend, mean, wish, 等。注意一定是它們的過去時。另外還有should/would like/love。這個結構表示“本打算/想/計劃…”的意思。例如:

  The game were to have taken place in Room.比賽原計劃在羅馬舉行。

  He planned to have gone abroad last week. =He planned to go abroad but he didn’t. 他原計劃上週出國的。

  I’d like to have been offered the job and***to have been***given the opportunity to prove myself.我真想***當時***把這個工作給了我,給我個機會讓我證明我自己。


  I had hoped to visit the great pyramid. =I hoped to have visited the great pyramid. =I hoped to visit it, but I didn’t. 我本希望參觀大金字塔的。

  They would have liked to have your help. =They would like to have had your help. =They wanted to have your help but they didn’t have it. 他們本想得到你幫助的。


  一般式:to be+過去分詞

  完成式:to have been+過去分詞

  You’re lucky to have been accepted .你很幸運已經被接受了。

  These criminals are to be hanged .這些罪犯是將被絞死的。

  We’re glad to have been invited. 受到邀請我們很高興。

  What’s to be done next? 下一步做什麼?

  It is an honor for me to be asked to speak here. 我很榮幸應邀在這裡講話。


  You will make it if you try ***to***. 如果你努力,你會成功的。

  George says he is going to leave Shanghai, but I don’t think he really wants to. George說要離開上海,但是我不認為他真的願意走。

  Some of them retired, and others were ready to.一些人退休了,還有的準備退。

  He always speaks faster than he needs to.他說話總是沒必要的快。

  I’d like to do it now, but I haven’t got the time ***to***. 我倒是想現在幹,但沒時間。

  “Would you go there with me?” “I’m glad to.”“你願意和我一起去嗎?”“願意。”

  “Did you pass the exam?” “No, I tried ***to***, but I failed.”“你考試及格了嗎?”“沒有,我努力了,但沒成功。

  “Do you want to sing them an English song?” “I prefer not to.” “你願意為他們唱首英文歌嗎?”“我不想唱。”

  You’d better sing an English song if they ask you ***to*** again.如果他們再要求你,你最後唱一首英文歌。


  used to 常常 be going to 打算

  mean to 打算 ought to 應該

  plan to 計劃 want to 要想

  兩個不定式由and, or, except, but, than 連線時,第二個可省略to,尤其是兩個不定式緊密相連時。如:

  I intend to call on him and discuss this question again,我打算去拜訪他並和他談談這個問題。

  I’d like to lie down and go to sleep.我想躺下睡覺。

  You’re free to talk or laugh here.在這裡你可以隨便說笑。

  I’m anxious to go and ask him about it.我急於去問問他這個事。

  Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later? 你想現在吃午飯還是再等會兒?

  We had nothing to do except ***to*** look at the posters outside the cinema. 我們無事可做,只有看看電影院外面的招貼。

  He had nothing to do except talk nonsense. 除了胡說八道,他沒別的事幹。

  I would rather die than be insulted.我寧死也不受侮辱。

  I’ll do anything but work on a farm. 除了去農場幹活,我什麼都幹。

  It’s easier to persuade people than ***to*** force them. 說服人容易,強迫人難。

  It’s better to take a taxi than ***to*** wait here.搭出租車也比在這等強。

  句子中but後面的不定式帶不帶to,取決於but前面的句子裡含不含do,只要有與do/did有關的詞***do作謂語,to do作定語等等***,but後面的不定式就省掉to。

  I have no choice but to go there alone. 除了獨自一個去以外, 我別無選擇。

  I can do nothing but go there alone. 除了獨自一個到那裡去,我別無選擇。

  I have nothing to do but go there alone. 除了獨自一個到那裡去我沒事可幹。

  He did nothing but cry all day long. 他除了整天哭,什麼也不幹。



  時態/語態    主動     被動

  一般式      to do      to be done

  進行式      to be doing

  完成式      to have done   to have been done

  完成進行式    to have been doing

  1*** 現在時:一般現在時表示的動詞,有時與謂語動詞表示的動作同時發生,有時發生在謂語動詞的動作之後。

  He seems to know this.

  I hope to see you again. = I hope that I'll see you again. 我希望再見到你。

  2*** 完成時:表示的動作發生在謂語動詞表示的動作之前。

  I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.

  He seems to have caught a cold.

  3*** 完成進行時:

  She is known to have been wreaking on the problem for many years.

  4*** 進行時: 表示動作正在進行,與謂語動詞表示的動作同時發生。

  He seems to be eating something.

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