中國是世界上最古老的文明之一,有著悠久的歷史和燦爛的文化。中國在夏朝時開始進入了文明時代,創造了輝煌的科技和文化。指南針、火藥、造紙術、印刷術是中國古代的四大發明,對世界文明和人類的進步做出了極大的貢獻。中國的絲綢之路***the Silk Road***—世界上最古老的貿易通道—極大地促進了東西方文化的交流。長城、京杭大運河***grand canal***被譽為世界工程奇蹟。此外,中國有著豐富多彩的傳統文化和民間藝術,例如京劇、剪紙、風箏、刺繡***embroidery***、皮影戲***shadow play***等。
As one of the oldest civilizations of the world, China has a long history and brilliant culture.After entering the era of civilization in the Xia Dynasty, China created glorious science andculture. The compass, gunpowder, paper-making and printing are considered to be the fourgreat inventions of ancient China, which have contributed immensely to the civilization of theworld and the progress of mankind. The Silk Road of China, the oldest trade route in the world,largely promoted the cultural exchange between the East and the West. The Great Wall andthe Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal are honored as the engineering wonders in the world.Besides, China has colorful traditional culture and folk arts such as Beijing Opera, paper-cutting, kite, embroidery and shadow play.
1.第一個句子的主語是“中國”,後面跟著兩個並列的謂語“是”和“有著”,翻譯時可將“中國有著悠久的歷史…”譯為主句,將“是…之一”譯為“as+名詞短語”結構,即as one of the...,放在句首。
2.第二句的主幹可理解為“中國創造了…”;將“中國在夏朝時開始進入了文明時代”作為時間狀語處理,採用“after+動名詞”結構來表達,譯為After entering the era of civilization in the Xia Dynasty。
4.翻譯“長城、京杭大運河被譽為世界工程奇蹟”時需使用被動語態,“被譽為…”可譯作be honored as...,bepraised as...,be known as...。
五四運動***the May Fourth Movement***是1919年5月4日發生的一場反帝反封建***anti-imperialist,anti-feudal***的政治文化運動。這次運動以北京為中心,很快擴大到上海、天津、青島等許多城市。五四運動是以青年學生為主力,市民、商人和工人等廣泛參與的一次愛琴運動。他們通過示威遊行、罷工等各種活動來抗議軟弱的政府,要求恢復國家主權***sovereignty***。五四運動對中國的政治、文化、教育,以及中國共產黨***the Communist Party of China***的發展有著重要的作用。為了紀念這次運動中華人民共和國成立後正式宣佈5月4日為中國青年節***the Chinese Youth Day***。
The May Fourth Movement, which took place on May 4, 1919, was an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement. The movement was centered in Beijing, and soonspread to Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao and many other cities. It was a patriotic movementwith broad participation by citizens, businessmen and workers, in which young studentsserved as the main force. They took various activities, such as demonstration and strike, toprotest the weak government and claim to recover the national sovereignty. The May FourthMovement played a significant role in Chinese politics, culture, education as well as thedevelopment of the Communist Party of China. In order to commemorate this movement,the May 4 was officially announced as the Chinese Youth Day after the founding of People'sRepublic of China.
1.第一句中的“一場反帝反封建的***”修飾語很長,可一一對應地翻譯成形容詞,並列作定語,即ananti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement。
2.翻譯第三句“五四運動是以青年學生…”時,可將“是一次愛國運動”作為句子主幹,“市民、商人和工人等廣泛參與的”處理成with broad participation by...修飾“愛國運動***patriotic movement***”,“以青年學生為主力”則使用in which引導的定語從句來表達。
3.“抗議軟弱的政府,要求恢復國家主權”是舉行各種活動的最終目的,可使用不定式來表達,譯為to protestthe weak government and claim to recover the national sovereignty。
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