人們在多個唐朝墳墓中發現了各種唐三彩塑像***Tang tri-colored glazed statues***,其中最著名的是馬和女子。由於主要有三種顏色:黃、綠、棕,唐三彩因此得名。唐三彩瓷器常被用作陪葬品***burial objects***。唐代人民思想開放,樂於接受世界各國的文化。外國商人、傳教士、外交家、藝術家不遠千里,沿著絲綢之路***theSilk Road***來到唐朝都城長安。唐三彩瓷器有融各種文化於一體的痕跡,多產於絲綢之路的幾個重要城市:西安、洛陽和揚州。
In many tombs of the Tang Dynasty,people found a variety of Tang tri-colored glazed statues, the most popular ones of which were horses and ladies. Mainly they had the three-color glaze—yellow,green and brown, hence they got the name.Tang tri-colored glazed pottery were usually used as burial objects. Tang people were open-minded and glad to accept exotic cultures from countries all over the world.Foreign traders, missionaries,diplomats and artists traveled thousands of miles along the Silk Road to visit Tang's capital city, Chang'an.The trace of melting of multiple cultures can be found in Tang tri-colored glazed pottery. They were mostly produced in Xi'an, Luoyang and Yangzhou,which were important cities along the Silk Road.
1.各種:可譯為a variety of,還可以用various kinds of表達。
2.其中最著名的是…:可用定語從句表達,譯為the most popular ones of which were…
3.被用作…:可譯為be used as…
4.樂於接受世界各國的文化:可譯為be glad to accept exotic cultures from countries over the world。
印刷術發明之前,想出版新書的學者必須一字一字地抄寫。北宋時期,經過多年的實驗,畢昇發明了活字印刷術***movable-type printing***。他把漢字刻在一小塊泥胚***pieces of clay***上,加熱漢字直到其變成硬的活字。印書時,人們按順序將活字擺在一起,印出印跡。印刷完後,他們把字分開,以後重複使用。這種方法既經濟又省時。中國的活字印刷術首先向東傳至朝鮮和日本,之後向西傳至波斯***Persia***和埃及,最後傳遍全球。活字印刷術的發明大大促進了世界各國的文化交流。
Before printing was invented,a scholar had to copy characters one by one if he wanted to publish a new book.During the Northern Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng invented the movable-type printing after many years of experimentation.He engraved the characters on small pieces of clay,and heated them until they became hard movable characters.When printing a book,people placed the moveable characters in order into a whole block and then ran off a print.After printing, they took the block apart and reused the characters later.This method was both economical and time-saving.China's movable-type printing first spread eastward into Korea and Japan,then westward into Persia and Egypt,and at last,around the world.The invention of movable-type printing greatly promoted the cultural exchanges among countries all over the world.
2.出版新書:可譯為publish a new book。
4.泥胚:可譯為pieces of clay。clay意為“黏土,陶土”。
5.按順序:可譯為in order。
6.向東傳至朝鮮和日本:可譯為spread eastward into Korea and Japan。
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