香囊***scented sachet***,古代也稱“香袋”,通常是用布縫製或彩色絲線編織的 袋子,裡面塞滿香草***aromatic herbs***。香囊最初用來吸汗、驅蟲和避邪。香囊不僅 有用,而且可作裝飾品。它們的形狀和大小各異,有圓形、橢圓形和其他形狀。它 們通常配有精緻的圖案,每個圖案都象徵著特別的含義。例如,雙魚或成對蝴蝶 圖案象徵男女之愛;蓮花或牡丹花***peony flower***等圖案象徵女性;松樹和仙鶴 圖案象徵長壽;石榴***guava***圖案象徵很多孩子。漂亮的香囊不僅是裝飾品,而且 含有豐富的文化和歷史內涵。
Scented sachets, also called “fragrant bags” in ancient times, are bags usually sewed with cloth or weaved with multicolor silk threads and stuffed with aromatic herbs. The fragrant bags were originally used for absorbing sweat, repelling insects and warding off evils. Scented sachets are not only useful, but also ornamental. They come in different shapes and sizes, such as round, oval and many others. And they are normally decorated with elaborate patterns, with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning.For instance,a double-fish or double-butterfly pattern smybolizes the love between a man and a woman;patterns like lotus or peony flowers symbolize women;pine and crane patterns symbolize longevity and a guava pattern is the symbol of lots of children.A nice scented sachet is not just an ornament,but more of something that contains cultural and historical richness.
1.也稱..:即“又稱”,譯為also called…
2.裡面塞滿香草:“塞滿,,可用動詞stuff表達,故此處譯為stuffed with aromatic herbs。 其中“香草”譯為aromatic herbs。
3.吸汗、驅蟲和避邪:可譯為absorbing sweat,repelling insects and warding off evils。動詞前是介詞for,故用動名詞形式。
4.它們的形狀和大小各異:可譯為They come in different shapes and sizes.其中 come表示“以某些顏色、形式、樣式、尺碼出現”,例如Bicycles come in all shapes and sizes.自行車的形狀和大小各異。
5.每個圖案都象徵著特別的含義:可譯為with each pattern symbolizing a special meaning。
6.石榴圖案象徵很多孩子:可譯為 a guava pattern symbolizes lots of children。
作為中國傳統的民間藝術,吹糖人***Sugar Figure Blowing Art***歷史悠久,然而 隨著中國經濟的發展,這一藝術正漸漸消失。據說這一民間藝術始於宋朝,當時被稱為戲劇糖果***operacandy***。吹糖人以糖作為基本材料,糖人藝人用自己的方法熬糖,然後吹成各種人物。藝人先把糖加熱到適當的溫度,然後拉一些糖稀***syrup***捏成一團,再用各種技巧做出不同的形狀,並塗上鮮豔的顏色。這種藝術是手、眼、心、 呼吸和一定溫度所需時間控制的真正結合。一項技術不過關,整個過程都會失敗。
As a truditional Chinese folk art, the Sugar Figure Blowing Art have a long history. But it is gradually disappearing in the process of economic development in China. It is said that this folk drt was formed in the Song Dynasty; at that time it wan called opera candy. The Sugar Figure Blowing Art uses sugar as its basic material, and the artists have their own ways to boil sugar and blow it into various figures. Artists heat up sugar to proper temperature, then pull some syrup and knead it to a ball. Then they make different shapes by using different skills and paint bright colors on the figures. This art is really a combination of hand, eye, heart, breath, and the timing of temperature skill.If there is one skill you couldn’t perform well, the whole procedure will be a failure.
1.歷史悠久:可譯為have a long history.
2.戲劇糖果:可譯為opera candy.
3.以糖作為基本材料:可譯為uses sugar as its basic material。