Section A
2a 1.a.Miller’s 2.c.107.9 FM
2b Clothes Moon,Miller’s,Dream Clothes,Miller’s
Radio AM ,97.9 FM,107.9 FM,97.9 FM
3a 1.worst 2.good,the best 3.more expensive,the most expensive 4.worst, most comfortably 5.best,better,most intesting
Section A
1a 1.e 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.a 6.g 7.f
1b 3.talent show 1.talk show 4.soccer game 2.news
2a 1.sitcoms 4.game shows 5.soap operas 2.news 3.talk shows
2b 1.the news or talk shows 2.some great jokse 3.game shows 4.soap operas,tonight
Sec tion A
1b 1. Computer computer science
2.basketball basketball every day
3. math really hard
4. acting lessons
2a box on the left ***finish high school and college***and the box in the middle ***want tobe a teacher***
3a 1.e 2.h 3.f 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.g 8.b
3b when,want,How,going,Where,going,study,When,start
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