his is a very well-known story that teaches us a lot about using our time wisely.
A grasshopper was playing on his violin where the ants were busy collecting food.
“It's the grasshopper again!”they said.“He's always playing that violin of his. He never seemsto do any work.”
The grasshopper stopped when he saw the ants.“Why are you working on such a beautifulday?”he asked.“Don't you feel the gaiety of spring? Why aren't you dancing and singing whileI play my violin?”
“We must collect food now,”said the Queen of ants.“If we don't, what will we do when wintercomes?”
“Oh, winter's a long way off,”said the grasshopper.“You take life much too seriously.”
“But you must work today if you want to eat tomorrow,”said the little ant.“You can play yourviolin after you have finished working,”said another as the ants scurried busily about.
The grasshopper didn't wish to heed their advice,“Go on with your work, my little friends,”hesaid.“I'm going to dance in the meadow in the sun!”And so the grasshopper left the busyants and went on his way, singing.
The spring soon passed and the warm days of summer came. All day long the grasshopperplayed his violin as he sat in the sun or just slept on a blade of grass. Soon summer wasover.
One morning, the grasshopper woke up and was surprised to see that snow had fallen duringthe night. He shivered and looked for a great leaf for food. But although he searched andsearched he could not find a thing. The long winter had come.
“Oh dear, oh dear! What shall I do?”cried the grasshopper,“I shall die of hunger. I shallfreeze to death!”
The grasshopper wandered around looking for a place to keep warm but there was no suchplace.“How silly I was not to listen to the ants. While I am dying of cold and hunger they aresitting in their warm nest with plenty to eat.”
And sobbing loudly, the grasshopper sat down in the snow. The ants heard his cry and as theywere really kind creatures they came hurrying to help him.
By this time the poor grasshopper was frozen stiff. The ants picked him up and carried him totheir nest.
They looked after the grasshopper until he felt better and spring had returned again. Never didthe grasshopper forget the lesson he had been taught.
During the wars, a soldier looked after his horse with the greatest care. He gave it the best oatsto eat and the clearest water to drink.
戰爭期間,有個士兵對他的馬悉心照料。給它吃最好的燕麥, 喝最乾淨的水。
He rubbed it down when it got wet and covered it with a warm blanket on cold winter nights.
As a result, the horse was strong and swift and carried its master safely out of the dangers ofwar.
When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the horse out in a field full of thistlesand gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat.
The stable was a broken-down hut with a leaking roof and a floor made of mud; the only waterwas in a ditch under the hedge.
During the day the soldier made the horse work hard on his farm, carrying loads of wood andpulling heavy wagons.
After some time war broke out again. The soldier took out his heavy breastplate and boots,strapped on his pistols and helmet, and went to the field to catch his horse.
Hastily brushing the thistles from its coat, he laid the leather saddle on its back, pulled thebridle over its mangy ears and heaved himself up.
For a moment the horse stood motionless. Then gradually its thin legs began to bend and itsank slowly to the ground. The horse gave the soldier a look of reproach.
“Master,”it said,“you'll have to fight on foot this time. You have made me work like a mule andfed me like a goat. I cannot change back into a horse in an instant just because you want meto.”
Once upon a time a man had a big house, and in the house there was a big Oven; but this man's family was small——only himself and his wife.
When winter came, the man tried to keep his Oven going all day, so that the entire stock of his firewood was consumed in a month. Now, with nothing to feed the fire, it was cold in the house.
Then the man began to break up his fences, and use the boards for fuel. When he had burnt up all of his fences, the house, now without any protection against the wind, was colder than ever, and still they had no firewood.
Then the man began to tear down the ceiling of his house, and burn that in the Oven.
A neighbour noticed that he was tearing down his ceiling, and said to him:
"Why, neighbour, have you lost your mind----pulling down your ceiling in winter? Your and your wife will freeze to death!'
But the man said:"No, brother, you see I am pulling down my ceiling so as to have something to heat my Oven with. We have such a curious one; the more I heat it up, the colder we are!"
The neighbour laughed, and said: "Well, then, after you have burnt up your ceiling, then you will be tearing down your house. You won't have anywhere to live; only the Oven will be left, and even that will be cold!"
"Well, that is my misfortune," said the man." All my neighbours have firewood enough for all winter; but I have already burnt up my fences and the ceiling of my house, and have nothing left."
The neighbour replied:" All you need is to have your Oven rebuilt."
But the man said :" I know well that you are jealous of my house and my Oven because they are larger than yours, and so you advise me to rebuild it."
So he turned a deaf ear to his neighbour's advice, and burnt up his ceiling, then his whole house, and in the end had to go and live with strangers.
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