In the garden there were three butterflies, one red one, one yellow one, and one white one. Every day the three good friends played together, it was great. One day just as they were playing, it suddenly began to rain. The three butterflies’ wings were drenched by the rain, their whole bodies were trembling with cold.
The three butterflies few together to a red flower, and said to it: “Big Sister Red Flower, let us hide from the rain under your leaves.”
The red flower said: “The red butterfly can come in, but the others must leave.”
The three good friends shook their heads together: “We’re good friends, we came together, and we’ll leave together.”
They flew off to a yellow flower, and to the yellow flower said, “Big Sister Yellow Flower, let us hide from the rain under your leaves.” The yellow flower said: “The yellow butterfly can come in, but the others must leave.”
The three good friends shook their heads and said: “We’re good friends, we came together, and we’ll leave together.”
Then, they flew away to the white flower, and to the white flower said: “Big Sister White Flower, let us hide from the rain under your leaves!”
But the white flower said to them: “The white butterfly can come in, but the rest must leave.”
The three good friends still shook their heads together and said: “We’re good friends, we came together and we’ll leave together.”
At this time, Old Man Sun saw what was happening, and he hurriedly chased the black clouds away and made the rain stop.
The sky was finally clear, and the three friends again went again to play and dance among the flowers.
三隻小蝴蝶一起飛到紅花那裡,對紅花說: “紅花姐姐,讓我們飛到你的葉子下面躲躲雨吧!”
紅花說: “紅蝴蝶進來吧,其他的快飛開!”
三個好朋友一齊搖搖頭: “我們是好朋友,一塊兒來,也一塊兒走。”
他們又飛到黃花那裡,對黃花說: “黃花姐姐,讓我們飛到你的葉子下面躲躲雨吧!”黃花說: “黃蝴蝶進來吧,其他的快飛開!”
三個好朋友一齊搖搖頭: “我們是好朋友,一塊兒來,也一塊兒走。”
然後,他們又飛到白花那裡,對白花說: “白花姐姐,讓我們飛到你的葉子下面躲躲雨吧!”
可是白花也說: “白蝴蝶進來吧,其他的快飛開!”
這三個好朋友還是一齊搖搖頭,對白花說: “我們是好朋友,一塊兒來,也一塊兒走。”
A husband and wife,both 91,stood before a judge,asking for a divorce."I don't understand,"He said,"Why do you want a divorce at this time of life?"the husband explained "Well , you see,We wanted to wait until the children died."
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