A chicken walks into a library. He goes to the front counter and says, "Buck". The librarian thinks this is very cute. She says, "Oh, aren't you cute. You want a book." So, she gives the chicken a book and he goes away.
The next day the same chicken comes back to the library. He goes to the front counter and says, "Buck, buck." The librarian is impressed.
“You already read the first book I gave you and now you want two more books. What a smart chicken you are.” And she gives the chicken two more books.
The chicken returns to the library yet another day, goes up to the front counter and says, "Buck, buck, buck." The library is becoming very curious. She gives the chicken three books and this time she follows him to see where he goes.
The chicken brings the books to the pond, where she sees a frog. He gives the books to the frog and he says, "Read it, read it."
A duck walks into a bakery and asks the baker, "Hey, you got any duck food?"
The baker looks down at the duck and says, "No. Get out of here you're bad for business." So the duck waddles out of the bakery.
The next day the duck comes back, "Got any duck food?" He asks the baker a second time. "No," said the duck leaves the store again.
The next day the duck comes back again, "Got any duck food?" He asks the baker.
By this time the baker is very angry. He doesn't like the duck waddling around his shop. "Listen duck, if you come back here one more time asking for duck food I am going to nail you to the sidewalk."
So the duck leaves.
Once again the duck returns to the bakery. "Hey Mr. Got any nails?"
The baker looks confused and says, "No." The duck replies, "Good. Got any duck food?"
A string walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender looks at the string and says, "Sorry, Dude. We don't serve strings in here. You are going to have to go somewhere else." The string is angry and leaves the bar.
Moments later the string comes back into the bar and asks the bartender for a drink.
"Sorry, we don't serve strings. Now, get out of here." This really pisses the string off. He leaves the bar and goes outside.
He is so angry that he has a tantrum outside. He get himself so upset that he ties himself all up in knots. He goes back into the bar and asks the bartender for a drink one more time.
The bartender peers over the bar at the string and says, "Listen. I told you we don't serve string, aren't you?"
The string looks at the man and says, "No, I'm a frayed knot."
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