一年級兒童英語故事:Lesson From The Moon
When the moon is fullest it begins to wane,
When it is darkest it begins to grow.
—Chinese Proverb
There is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first from a monkof a Buddhist monastery in China. It has often, helped me to retain a good measure ofequanimity under stress and hardship as well as when some unexpected success or goodluck might have made me too exuberant. There is hope and consolation in the sureknowledge that even the darkest hours of pains and troubles won't last: but also a warningagainst overrating the passing glories of wealth, power and great good fortune. A warning anda hope, not only for the individual, but also for governments,nations and their leaders, a briefsumming up of all that history and human experience can tell us. And beyond all that we mighthear in it an echo of the law and order that holds our universe in safe balance.
The old monk often took the young monk to the hill outside the temple to recite the lection.
One day the young monk said to the old monk,"How slowly the time goes!"
The old monk said,"You can have a try like this---in the morning sit to the west to read; and inthe afternoon sit to the east to read."
At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by heneglected the passage of time.
The next day he told the old monk ,"Master, you're so masterly that I forget time with a switchof direction and absorb myself in the lection."
The old monk said,"Whatever you do, only you leave time behind you can you focus on itselflessly."
Grandpa Hodge was the most popular sage in the village because he was so philosophic inspeaking and doing things that everyone revered him as “Grandpa Wisdom”.
One day, a man hurried to Grandpa Wisdom and said, “Grandpa, I have a piece of news to tellyou…”
“Wait a moment,” Grandpa Hodge stroked his beard and cut him short, “Have you sifted thenews you will tell me with three sieves?”
“Three sieves? Which three sieves?” the man asked with puzzlement.
“The first sieve is Truth. Is the news you will tell me true?” Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing hiseyes.
“I don’t know because I overhead it from the street.”
“Now let’s check it with the second sieve,” Grandpa Hodge went on, “If the news you will tell meis not true, it should be friendly.”
The man hesitantly answered, “No, just the other way round…”
Grandpa Hodge once again interrupted him, “So let’s use the third sieve. Can you tell me if thenews that is exciting you is very important?”
“It is not so important,” the man answered with embarrassment.
Grandpa Hodge patted the shoulder of the man and said significantly, “Now that the news youwill tell me is not true, friendly or important, please don’t tell me. Then it won’t trouble you andme.”
The man took a tumble and never spread the overhead news ever since.
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