Philosopher was fond of philosophy. His physical force was weak, but his mental fore was great .He noticed every petty phenomenon: A pianist played the piano .A physicist was a person versed in or studying physics, and he must understand photoelectric effect .Both physicians and surgeons knew physiology well. A photographer must learn photography, thus he could take nice photographs. The philosopher could pick out these people from a group of people . And because he picked up some knowledge of physics and chemistry, he knew physical thing were those he could see ,touch ,etc It was a physical impossibility for the sun to rise in the west .Petrol could be made from petroleum. He spoke in simple phrases to explain these to children .
But the philosopher was going through a difficult phase . The government rejected his petition for eliminating the pests . This made him a little pessimistic . But he wasn’t a petty person .So he decided to take a trip .He picked out a cat as a pet to accompany him. On the way to the railway station ,he picked up a coin on the floor .Then he got on a train to Paris .The train stopped to pick up passengers then it picked up speed .The philosopher picked up French while he was staying in Paris .
關於兒童英語故事:A merchant一個商人
A merchant’s merchandise were of high quality. Most countries adopt metric system and so his country did. The merchant sold electrical appliances, such as microcomputer, microphone, microprocessor and microwave ovens. Also, he sold a kind of metal, mercury. One day, when he was using a microscope to watch the microbe, a messenger visited him. The messenger was one of his friends. This time he mentioned his son and began to complain, “My son messed up the house everyday. The whole family was at the mercy of his hands.” The merciful merchant showed mercy to the poor father, &A merchant’s merchandise were of high quality. Most countries adopt metric system and so his country did. The merchant sold electrical appliances, such as microcomputer, microphone, microprocessor and microwave ovens. Also, he sold a kind of metal, mercury.
One day, when he was using a microscope to watch the microbe, a messenger visited him. The messenger was one of his friends. This time he mentioned his son and began to complain, “My son messed up the house everyday. The whole family was at the mercy of his hands.” The merciful merchant showed mercy to the poor father, “Don’t scold him, he was a mere child. He has his merits. Try a new method, maybe he will listen to your words.” The messenger had better mental outlook. There was a merry smile on his face. He told the merchant, ”The restaurant across the street has fish on menu today. Let’s try it. My treat today.”
A Madam lived in a magnificent palace. The magnitude of the palace was unbelievable. The Madam had no idea of machinery but she was mad for make-up. Like a magnet attracted nails, make-up attracted her. In this macroscopic world, nothing else interested her. The Madam majored in make-up skills. Every morning, she made out a list of fashion magazines and make-ups. She ordered her maids to buy them.
At first the purchase team was made up of two maids. Finally, eight maids made it up . Did make-up make for looks? Yes, Make-up could make up for a lack of beauty. It was a magician who played magic. Make-up was necessary to maintain the Madam's looks. Her good looks were mainly from make-up. The majority of her acquaintances thought the make-up magnified her beauty 10 times. So the Madam thought she got the magnetism she wanted. But her husband did not think she was magnetic as she hoped. Every time when he came back from the mainland, he hardly made out his wife. He shook his head and made for the study. The Madam could not make it out whether it was praise or criticism.
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