1 Introduction of the communicative task
Task 1:Show them two pictures of Kowloon Walled City in different times. And ask them to find out the difference between them.
Task 2:Ask students to talk about the changes to Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.
The introduction of the tasks immediately aroused the interest of the students. They were at once absorbed in observation and meditation. In the meanwhile, the author encouraged the communication between groups to exchange ideas. The introduction of the task is to prepare for the main task presentation. The method of the introduction may be very flexible, including pictures, dialogues, music and other means that can arouse the interest of the students.
The British linguist Jane Willis1996 proposed to divide the communication-based teaching into three processes, namely Pre-task、While-task and Post-task. In these processes, the While-task is the most important.
2 Pre-task
In this process, the teacher introduces the topic and the task, highlighting specifically the key words. The purpose of this is to introduce the general background of the task and serves as a warming-p exercise. The aim of this process is to prepare the language as well as the cultural knowledge of the whole learning process.
Task 1: Ask them to listen to the tape in Integrated skills again. To review what they have learnt about the changes toLantauIsland.
Task 2: During the answers teacher can present some new words.
e.g. Lantau Island/island/HainanIsland
Teacher can ask them if they like these changes or not and why or why not. If they say “Yes”, teacher can present “convenient” and “bring many benefits”. If they say “No”, teacher can present “cause many problems”.
Task 3: Ask them to make sentences with “convenient” and “cause”.
This is the main section of the whole class activity, embodying the main feature of the communication-based teaching approach, i.e., the group task. In this process, the learners are required to express themselves, using the available knowledge that has already been learned in their previous learning stages. This includes the following:
Task 1: Ask them to read the report in chorus.
The Male Images in the Great Gatsby 了不起的蓋茨比的男性形象
1 Purpose of the research:
The purpose of this study is based on the systematic analysis of different and typical male images in 'The Great Gatsby', . With combination of communication, sociology and ethics and other content, analysis the male image of the background . Through the analysis of 'The Great Gatsby', we can explore the male fate in this novel whether has a certain value orientation, develop a broader space and may of monographic study of male images.
2 Significance of the research:
Fitzgerald is a 20th century American literature recognized 'Lost Generation' writers spokesperson, he shaped the characters are a group of mostly young men and women after the war to pursue a dream, but they are life experiences and spiritual aspects closely with the author internal relations. From these internal relations, we can see from the pursuit of the ideal Fitzgerald 'American Dream' to dream shattered in the process, so-called 'American Dream' is a belief, but also a desire, a dreamy, think On this piece of land full of opportunity and wealth, as long as people follow a set of clear standards of conduct to live, have reason to achieve material success, this group of Conduct in the 18th century is reflected in Franklin, Jefferson, Edison, card groups and others in words and deeds. His masterpiece, 'The Great Gatsby', because of its ingenious plot twists and turns, delicate and graceful language called treasure literary history.
The current for 'The Great Gatsby,' the male image of few studies, most studies have focused on its literary value female image analysis, therefore, this article attempts to create a movie in the male role, for example, to Characteristics of different types of male image as the starting point, and then explore the background of the formation of male role, not only makes sense, but necessary.
1 The major contents of the research:
This article analysis the different levels of male images in “The Great Gatsby'.According to the standard andmeasure of western traditional view, we analysis of characteristics of menwith their different characteristics,and explore deeper male image characteristics in this novel.
2 Outline:
1.Male Images' American Dreams
1.1 The Tragic Hero Gatsby
1.2 The Dramatic Narrator Nick
1.3 The Ugly Upper-class Tom
2.The Relationship between the Male Images and Daisy
2.1 Gatsby and Daisy's Sweetheart Relationship
2.2 Nick and Daisy's Relative Relationship
2.3 Tom and Daisy's Conjugal Relationship
3.The Relationship between the Male Images and Fitzgerald
3.1 Gatsby and Fitzgerald
3.2 Nick and Fitzgerald
3.3 Tom and Fitzgerald
1 Conditions of completing the &tar2&:
①The author has finished all the courses required as an English major.
②Many electronic books, master papers and journals are available from the Internet.
③Many relevant books and journals can be found from theuniversity library and data room.
④The author has collected a lot of references and materials by various channels.
2 Measures of completing the thesis:
①Synthetic method: On the basis of analyzing, the author integrates collected data related to the subject so as to put forward some new takes and draw a scientific conclusion.
②Inductive method: Through reading the pastoral poetry written by “The Great Gatsby”and Fitzgerald, try to discover the creation background of the book.
③Literature study: The author carefully reviews previous studies and researches which can lay a strong foundation for future study and spark fresh angles.
3 Research Plan:
①Making preparations for the thesis writing
②Getting familiar with the subject
③Doing research and study
④Penetrating into the essence of the subject
⑤Organizing data and drawing a conclusion
4 Data Collection:資料收集
①The literature on “The Great Gatsby” and Fitzgerald and previous studies on the research of male images;
②Examples of the different level of male images on“The Great Gatsby”, and find the relationship of each role.
5 References:參考文獻
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