關於英語詩歌:Escape 逃亡
I NEVER hear the word "escape"
Without a quicker blood,
A sudden expectation,
A flying attitude.
I never hear of prisons broad
by soldiers battered1 down,
But I tug2 childish at my bars--
Only to fail again!
我一聽說“ 逃亡”這個詞
關於英語詩歌:The Ten Commandments
But I could be covetous1. I could be a thief.
Could want and work for. Could wire and
Deceive. I thought to fool the moon into
A doubt. I did some doubting. Lord,
Forgive me. In New Orleans that winter,
I waited for a woman to find me shirtless
On her back porch. Why? She meant it
Rhetorically and hit me with open hands.
How many times can a woman say why
With her hands in the moonlight? I counted
Ten like light breaking hard on my head,
Ten rhetorical whys and half a moon. Half-
Nude, I let her light into me. I could be last
On a list of lovers Joe Adams would see,
And first to find his wife slapping the spit
Out of me. I could be sick and sullen2. I could
Sulk and sigh. I could be a novel character
By E. Lynn Harris, but even he'd allow me
Some dignity. He loved black people too
Much to write about a wife whipping her rival
On a night people in Louisiana call cold.
He'd have Joe Adams run out back and pull
Her off of me. He wouldn't think I deserved it.
關於英語詩歌:Dream heart
They took the old heart out of your chest
all blue and spoiled like a sick grapefruit
the way you removed your first wife from your life,
and put a strong young blonde one in her place.
What happened to the old heart is unrecorded
but the wife comes back sometimes in your dreams,
vengeful and berating1, with a hairdo orange as flame,
like a mother who has forgotten that she loved you
more than anything. How impossible it is to tell
bravery from selfishness down here,
a leap of faith from a doomed2 attempt at flight.
What happened to the old heart is the scary part:
thrown into the trash, and never seen again,
but it persists3. Now it's like a ghost,
with its bloated purple face,
moving through a world of ghosts,
that's all of us;
dreaming we're alive, that we're in love.
The repairman arrives at night to fix
the telephone wires fried by lightning.
He unscrews a metal box encasing a joint1,
and a tangle2 of colored cords spills out
like a half-remembered dream. It works,
he says. But it will never be the same.
I stand in the road and watch him
drive into the gray dawn, his palm
held open out the window.
關於英語詩歌:Is Heaven a Physician?
Is Heaven a Physician?
They say that He can heal -
But Medicine Posthumous
Is unavailable -
Is Heaven an Exchequer1?
They speak of what we owe -
But that negotiation
I’m not a Party to -
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