1. 回想往事,浮現您幽默的話語,率真的性情。您是無邊無際的大海,包容著我們的過錯,您是涓涓細流,滋潤著我們的心田……恭祝生日快樂……
2. 花開如夢風過無痕祝福輕輕但在心中永存祝您:生日快樂、平安幸福!
3. 花開如夢,風過無痕,祝福雖然輕輕,但在心中永存。祝您:生日快樂、平安幸福!
4. 不論歲月如何變遷,世事怎樣變幻,幸福和快樂永遠是我們共同的人生追求和期盼!祝生日快樂,幸福久遠!
5. really happy for you. Because your time in the enterprise prosperity ushered in the birthday event, I congratulate you on your birthday, to congratulate you on your success in life!
6. Professor, in my hometown for your birthday. I thank you in the course of study to the attention of my life, Thank you for academic guidance. You would never have the joy of the birth of Jesus
7. friends, although we have different nationalities, but the soul is the same. Now, let me the most happy note for a gift for your birthday, always willing to health and wealth with you the same!
8. Dear friends, another day is your Shoudan, then when our Mid-Autumn Festival, let us cross-strait common drank in the ocean, bless your birthday, we wish Xin Yuxin the reunion!
9. At this point, London is the morning glow over the sky. To give you an open-mail, will be able to read this far sent birthday cards, I頂著Stars and issued it done, and hope it brings you happiness and blessings, and pray God bless you!
10. are separated by vast oceans of friends: When you Shoudan-year-old, I will drank Yaozhu: Let happy and healthy and you always accompanied! I hope we will in the long friendship!
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